
The middle-aged fellow sat down at the other side of the round table and also began to eat his food slowly.

In just the time it took for an incense stick to burn, they both had finished their food. Zhao Yun licked the side of his lips, savouring the taste of the leftover meat. He stared at his empty plate, satisfied yet disappointed that there was no more food he could eat.

This white-haired youth's expression amused the middle-aged man. He wiped the edges of his lips with a cloth and asked slowly with a faint smile: "Young man, was the food to your liking?"

Zhao Yun raised his head and nodded in approval: "It was great! Only when one has an empty stomach, will one come to appreciate the beauty of food.

The middle-aged man raised his sharp eyebrows in some surprise. He said content: "Good words! It seems you understand well." standing up, the middle-aged man took the young boy's plate and stacked it on top of the other dishes: "Little friend, if you are ever hungry then do come by again."

"If I should have the opportunity! Thanks for the meal, Sir." Zhao Yun felt alive. With food now filling his empty belly, he stood up and thanked the middle-aged man.

To Zhao Yun, showing respects to the old was something that a person should do. The elders have lived longer than the youngers and naturally have witnessed life longer than them. Their teachings were something like a warning to remind the younger generation to not walk in the path of danger. Maybe this habit was picked up from the teachings of the old man on Earth, who he respected?

"Very good." He was pleased with the white-haired youth. After chatting for a short while longer, they both separated, going about their own life.

As Zhao Yun pulled the hood of his cloak over his head, he began walking in a particular direction.


Closing his food stall, the middle-aged man from earlier made his way to the front of a small manor with a wooden round door. Raising his rough hand, he knocked five times on the door. It wasn't loud nor gentle, and if one paid attention, one would notice that his knocking had a rhythm to it.

After just a moment, he opened the door himself and walked in calmly. As if he owned the place.

Making his way into this small manor, the middle-aged man sighed as he was greeted with the same sight. In front of him was a small courtyard with bright green grass and three sets of stone paths leading in different directions.

As if it had rained the previous night, the soil was freshly damp, and the water droplets on the green grass glistened with a slight sparkle, creating a tranquil scene. The stone paths lead to three rooms that wrapped around the yard in an upside-down "U" shape.

In the center of this courtyard was a small patch of beautiful flowers with varying colours. If Zhao Yun were to see this, he would be shocked to find that it was almost identical to his old man's flower garden on Earth! It was a circle with the only gap being the entrance footpath.

Unlike the flower garden, this was a much small garden, and the different herbs and flowers differed significantly to one another. However, what made it feel similar was the tranquil and calming atmosphere this garden gave off.

"Uncle Cang, how was it?"

A soft-feminine voice sounded at this time and softly entered the ears of the middle-aged man. Upon hearing this gentle voice that was akin to warm honey, the middle-aged man's expression immediately brightened into a caring and doting one. Turning his head, he could see a figure holding a round umbrella in the garden, hunched over, and was watering the flowers. Seeing this, the edges of his lips curved up as he smiled genuinely.

The figure was a young girl with her back facing the middle-aged man, she had dark black hair, and wore a black and purple hanfu dress that was mixed in colour. The wavy cuffs of her dress fluttered in the wind gently giving one the illusion that she was surrounded by black-purpled flames. The tightly fitted dress outlined her luscious body, one could tell that she was a stunning world beauty, only comparable to those of fairies.

Her small soft snow-white hands clasped the hilt of the umbrella stick, its cover protected her from the sun's dazzling light. The umbrella was mostly black in colour with only purple flower petal spread across the top of it.

Having watered the flowers in front of her, she straightened her back with a content smile and turned to face the person who she just referred to as Uncle Cang.

Her face was, in a word, adorable? With a small nose, crescent moon eyebrows and light-pink lips. However, what was most eye-catching, was this young girl's eyes. Her eyes were pale purple, and her irises were frosted over as if she was in a daze. Although the young girl faced Uncle Cang, she wasn't looking directly at him. It was apparent that she was blind.

The reason Uncle Cang sighed when he first entered was because of this.

Hearing the young girl's question, Uncle Cang stroked his black beard and said: "Hoho, business was somewhat slow again. This territory is quite different from the higher planes, but this mundane life isn't so bad either. I have even had some enlightenment on "Ignorance is bliss"."

The young girl smiled genuinely: "It seems Uncle Cang is enjoying himself quite well. That is good! Hehe."

"Hmm, young miss... I-" There was a short moment of silence before Uncle Cang tried speaking again. However, he was interrupted by the young miss.

"Uncle Cang, please don't push yourself so hard for me. Even if my sickness is never cured, I don't feel sad because of it. You have already done enough for me, I don't wish to be the reason to hold you back forever. I have accepted it, let it be up to fate whether or not I... survive."

Uncle Cang's eyebrow rose up slightly, but he quickly understood. He was wondering why the young miss was speaking like this again. It was because the young miss misunderstood.

"Young miss, wherever you go, whatever fate has in store for us, this old man will stay with you to the end. This is something I promised and something I wished to do. So, there is no need for you to blame yourself."

The young girl's head lowered a little, but a small sweet and genuine smile rose at the sides of her lips.

"Actually, I met someone interesting today. Which is why this old man is more joyful than usual."

The young miss was saddened about burdening other people. Still, she couldn't help but feel happy for not being abandoned and instead, had someone as loyal and caring as Uncle Cang. Recovering from her thoughts, Uncle Cang suddenly spoke, causing a spark of curiosity to light up inside her: "Someone interesting? I wonder who could get Uncle Cang's attention?"

Uncle Cang stroked his black beard while recalling the white-haired youth. After remembering the kid, a small smile came to his face: "Haha, he was quite interesting indeed. Although we did not talk for very long, I enjoyed his company. He possessed an aura of someone capable of doing anything if he tries, truly a unique person... He... may even be the one."

His talking lowered towards the end into a soft, quiet mutter, but the young miss could still here it. Her eyebrows rose somewhat in surprised: "Uncle Cang-"

"I know, I know. Haha, let it be up to fate. This old man was just saying random things. I just want the best for you, Hui'er." The 'old man' understood and knew what the young miss was about to say, so he quickly interrupted her despite it being rude.

Hui'er sighed and turned around to face the garden. Even though she was blind and was not able to see, she could still feel the presence of things in her surroundings. Thanks to her blindness due to her sickness, she was able to hone her six sense, allowing her to become more aware of her surroundings than an average person would.

'Fate... huh' She thought for a moment, shook her head and turned around.


A few hours later.

In the wilderness, outside of the Qingwei Town.

"Is this the place?" Mu Cheng couldn't help but scratch his head in doubt while looking to his left and right.

After the incident with Shen Tang, Mu Cheng offered for Zhao Yun to come to his home residence for a nice talk. However, he was rejected... but was instead asked by Zhao Yun to meet him north-east outside of Qingwei Town.

This is what Zhao Yun had said before leaving him. Although he was curious as to why Zhao Yun rejected him and would rather instead meet up in such a secluded area, he didn't ask. Normally someone of his status would consider such an invitation to be rude. Still, Mu Cheng really did not find this unreasonable.

Instead, he was somewhat happy that they were meeting in private. Whenever he thought about Zhao Yun, who was just a cripple half a month ago, possibly having a cultivation level as high as Nascent Realm, he couldn't help feeling a rush of excitement course throughout his body.

"Brother Yun, what kind of fortuitous encounter did you have in the time we have not seen each other. No, this could not be considered a fortuitous encounter, but rather a miracle!" He thought inwardly.

"Brother Mu, it's been some time." At this moment, a voice sounded from behind him, startling him. With widened eyes, Mu Cheng swung his head around somewhat stunned.

Staring at the sudden appearance of the white-haired boy, whose resemblance strongly overlapped with the Brother Yun that he knew of, he spoke out: "Brother... Yun?"