The Cage

The weeping crys all around. The echos of animals wimpering in sorrow. A little white fox in a cold dark place with a cover over the Cage and taken to a table with needles filled with blood and tools unused. The little fox was placed on the table and strapped down. The main scientist walked up and took one of those needles and took his tools and began his work. The Fox was injected with blood mutipul times and other syringes fill with a misterious liquid. The Fox squirming, yelping and Wimpering. Till it was brought back to it's Cage and it took hours of pain for her to look almost human besides ears and a tail that were a a super light blue that it almost glew in brod day light. When the scientist went to check on her. She looked nothing like the little white fox that they saw before. She looked like a little girl with hair so long and fluffy that it went down past her feet. Her tail hidden in the fluff of her hair besides her little ears that bearly stood out. Her amber eyes stood out like a peice of jewelry. She was the only successful one to become like that while others died a slow an painful death.