Spirits, the beings from the other dimension, are not originated from this planet. Easily speaking, the world's population often called them as ghosts or supernatural beings such as the demons and genies. The mythical creatures are also recognized as Spirits. In the other hand, Conquistadors, which the name was given by my dad, they become then Spirits' masters through a pact made to preserve their mutual benefits. In the 22th century, the number of Conquistadors has been increasing since the wall separating both human and the otherworld had been opened after the paranormal phenomenon known as the Magnetic Disorder badly hit the Earth for the first time. After the phenomenon, more Spirits appeared on the Earth both holding either good or evil intentions that could bring chaos to the whole world.

Professor Danial Freeman, a scientist who studied on paranormal phenomenon, got a solution to face any disaster caused by the Spirits especially by the Rogue Spirits after the occurrence of the Magnetic Disaster. The solution was to form an elite force to take care of the Rogue Spirits, called as the Spirit Army. It was also a requirement to have those qualified wizards to serve in the army due to their vast knowledge on the other dimension or the unseen world. However, there were not many of them even if they were gathered from all over the world. So, the generation of Shaman need to be reproduced more in quantity. While Conquistadors would engage themselves as part of the elite force. So, Prof. Danial transformed their research lab to be the first university that trains young Shamans and Conquistadors to be the required Spirit Army.

Prof. Danial's first research to establish the strongest Spirit Army was the God Slayer project, in which the Spirit power would be 'planted' in a human body through a new found medium by forming a connection between the Conquistador and the Spirit, other than a pact made between them. The hypothesis was to create such a strong Conquistador who can fight along with the Spirit through the combination of power in the human body. The first subject in the research was his own son. Yes, that was me. But it was only a half-way project. After that, I obtained the Spirit power, but there was nothing more than that. So now, to fulfil my dad's wish, I really need to be the first qualified God Slayer in the world.


1st September, a day before I enrol into the University of Witchcraft Defensive.

I was packing my stuffs as I would be travelling back to my hometown, Scotland early in the morning tomorrow after receiving an offer to further my study at a university located in the Great Britain. Fifteen years has passed since I left that place. Since my mom passed away after giving birth to me, then my paternal grandfather had also gone, dad took a decision to let go of the piece of land which was cultivated by my late grandfather and by using that money he went to travel, following his passion.

I followed him because we didn't have more families around in Scotland. It was just the two of us. After five years of travelling, dad decided to focus on his scientific research and taking care of me while working at the Research Institute of Military Technology, located in Tokyo. When I turned 15, dad's best friend since in Tokyo, Haris Akmal took care of me due to dad's request. So I was at Bro Haris's apartment in Petaling Jaya, a city in Malaysia.

"Finally, I can go back to Scotland…"

I was absorbed on preparing my stuffs and suddenly I can feel a throbbing pain on my right hand. It was getting clearer and harder. Ah… Here it comes again. My right hand had a 'V' sign on its back and it was the sign of dad's research on me. Since I was growing up until now, the aura was getting clearer and stronger, the pain was like my hand had been pricked by a thousand needles.

"Ah! It hurts!"

The pain was getting worse to the point that I've never felt before, to add with a loud banging sound from the window, whoever it was doing it. It was weird, the apartment was on the 30th level, the highest in the building. It was impossible for someone to knock on the window like that. From the hard banging, the window glass suddenly shattered and even the wall collapsed, the shattered pieces spreading towards my direction. I was ready to protect myself by using a thick blanket which I managed to grab form the bed behind, until a giant, black shadow appeared and grasped me with its large hands.


Blood gushed out from my mouth due to the crush. What is this thing? Is it a Rogue Spirit? I opened my eyes widely to see the thing in front of me, then recognized what it really was.

It was a tall ghost. These supernatural beings were called 'Hantu Galah' or Bamboo Ghost by the Malays due to their extraordinary height. For Muslims, they were usually known as the jinn. Their body height would follow the size of the house that they passed through and it was said that their heads could even reach the clouds. This ghost is a type of Nature Spirit, would not attack a human and usually living in the forest where humans couldn't find them. It was rare for Conquistadors to control this kind of Spirit.

Strange. It is impossible for this Spirit to appear in the middle of a city. Who is the one controlling it until it bears a strong urge to kill somebody? The Conquistador must be an extraordinary person.


Shit! I can't even move a bit. The pressure increased and it squeezed my body even more tightly. My breath was getting slower. I wanted to scream for help but it would be no use. Damn it! Is it the end for me? I'd be crushed to death by a Spirit controlled by another human? Kah! It's too early for me to end my independent life! I have to do something!

If only there is a way for me to get away from the deadly grip. I tried to move my right hand because it was the only loose part from the Spirit's grip. It moved a bit. Enough for me to drain all the energy left in me. Worst, the pain on my right hand came again. Ah! The pain was getting stronger. Out of my own realization, I was already at the brink of death.


A massive sword penetrated the giant Spirit's body. I tried to see who was the person appeared to save me. What I saw was a wavy laong hair… Blown by the night wind… A pair of purple eyes, resembling the colour of the hair, shining better than a luminous pearl. A fair soft skin… A slim figure wearing an armoured purple gown. Thank god! I've been saved by an angel.


The Spirit turned into small particles before disappearing in the air. I realized that the Spirit had been defeated and killed before finishing its job as a 'grim reaper', but both my eyes were still looking at the charming angel with a massive sword that was on the same height as hers. Absorbed looking at her, the angel looked back at me without any emotion. Awesome! I still couldn't believe with what I'm looking at now.


The locked bedroom door now sprung open because somebody had kicked it from the outside. Coming in was a group of policemen occupied with armoured suits and rifles in their arms. Six of them searched around the room which almost been destroyed by the previous attack. Soon after, a petite-looking woman with a white coat came in, she looked like a scientist and she walked passing the bedroom door. From her facial structure and personality, I could guess who she was.

"Hah! Finally Athena meets her master!"

"Eh… Aisyah?"

Yes… That woman was definitely Asiyah, my best friend during high school. I was once her rival because we were both always the highest on the excellent students list. But, she was born with her talent. She had an IQ of more than a scientist's that made the school put more focus on her studies than mine and the other hardworking excellent students. From her capabilities, my dad picked her to be one of his research teammates for his ongoing project. After graduating from school, Aisyah went to Tokyo, accepting dad's offer.

Ah… three years has passed. It is so unexpected to meet her again in the midst of chaos like this. But why is she here with the police?

"Hai Ed!" Waaah… I didn't imagine it'll turn out like

"What do you think? I almost die with the tall ghost attack, do you know that?"

"But Athena saved you right?"

Athena… Is that her name? I think I've heard that name before. Did I met somebody with the name before? All that I know is the name was familiar with the Greek's gods and goddesses, the name owned by the Goddess War and Intelligence. Perhaps the girl in front of me is the real

"This is Athena?"

"Yes… She is the e-Spirit founded by Prof. Danial. The sub-project of the God Slayer."

"So… She is…"

"Bingo! She is the sister you've asked for! Hahahaha."


Is that true? Ah! Now I remember. From dad's project, he introduced me to somebody, it was more like a living organism founded by him to me. At that time, I was ten years old. I was impressed and happy because it was the first time I've stepped into dad's personal lab.

"Edward, you want a little sister right?"

"Yes! But Dad told me before that it is impossible?"

"Don't worry Edward. I can give you a sister."

"Is it true?"

"Yes… Now you can look up there."

After the lamps were all switched on, the room turned bright, there was a cylinder capsule filled with blue liquid, inside it was a woman in a foetus-shaped position. At that time, it was not my expectation that dad would fulfil my impossible request. Dad was so great!

"This is Athena. The first e-Spirit I've created. I made this Spirit for you to be the first Conquistador to control the e-Spirit, and she will also be your sister."

I was stunned. I couldn't say anything watching the e-Spirit for the first time in front of me. Her hair, face and body, it should be an angel in front of me. Yes! It is true! This is Athena, the sister my dad had given to me.

"At last I can finally meet you, Brother."

And she spoke. Ah… Her voice is sweet. There will be no other woman can possess that sweet voice. Ceh! I never thought dad could've made her voice been so perfect like this.

"Athena… It has been long…" I couldn't finish my sentence, my mouth had been locked by Athena's index finger on my lips. Her face came nearer to mine. This is crazy! Please don't make my heart throbs hard!

"Brother, I think you're forgetting something… Other people can call me Athena but you must remember my nickname."

Nickname? Ah… I've forgotten. Dad told me to find her a nickname just to make sure it would help us become closer whenever she wakes up from her sleep. I was so happy and spontaneously called her…

"Anna… Is that right?"

"Exactly…" She looked happy hearing her name been called by me and she smiled. Her smile is beautiful! If she is a human I'll definitely ask her to be my life partner.

Out of a sudden, she hugged me. So tightly. This is madness! Again, my face turned red. Warm… I've never been hugged by a woman in my entire life. Her warm hug made me realized that she really did miss me. Yes, it was five years ago. It has been a long time since we last met. Hug me more… Release all your feelings...


I snapped out. Other than us, there were six policemen and Aisyah who were watching our action just now. It must be fun watching a free romantic drama there. And Aisyah… Her face was red. Ah! I bet she was mad watching a forbidden action in front of her.

"Err… Anna, can you let go of your hands now?"

"Why? Oh… Is Aisyah being jealous looking at both of us together?"

Aisyah's face turned deep red. "No! I'm afraid Ed will be chocked to death if you still hug him!"

"Okay…" Anna let her hands go. My lungs can breathe normally now. Thanks Aisyah. If not because of you, I'll be dead.

"Aisyah… It will be easier if you tell me earlier. Then you don't have to let Anna go searching for me everywhere."

"Sorry, Ed. This is late Prof. Danial's will. He had to know how was the spiritual connection between the two of you since she woke up. It was good that your spiritual power was getting better, so he could detect a suitable Spirit for you. It is proven now that you guys are suitable to be put together."

So that was my dad's will. He hid it well even from his own son. I didn't know what he was thinking. But I'd forgive him. Perhaps he had his own reasons and that might be beneficial for all.

"So, it is confirmed that I'll be dad's Conquistador like how he wanted?"

"It was only on words, Ed. You have to practice to control your Spirit."

"Hahaha… Well, that's true. So, what had happened actually?"

"We aren't sure yet. The tall ghost just now maybe was controlled by somebody hunting for strong Spirit power for his own benefits. Maybe because of your Spirit power, you've been the target. Anyhow, the Conquistador is surely not an average. We have to go further on details for this case." Aisyah explained the mysterious situation happened to me.

That was the explanation of a young and genius scientist, the same age of mine, was once my dad's assistant and now a director at Witchcraft Investigation Department.

"Ow… It's good that Anna came and saved me."

"Don't worry, Bro. I'll always protect you whenever danger comes."

"Thank you, Anna."

Anna smiled again. It made my heart melt watching her elegant face.

"Okay, you should prepare your things. We'll leave tomorrow."

Oh! Now I remember that one important issue. "Haha… You don't have to trouble yourself to send me to Scotland…"

"Scotland? We're going to Tokyo! We want to make you a student at the University of Witchcraft Defensive."


"And now that Athena and you have reunited, so it is your responsibility to take care of her."
