"For your first case, you've passed as a platoon leader."

"Hah hah hah... What kind of a reckless leader, he doesn't match us..."

Our first mission ended. All seemed well although everything happened in such a haze. Two people weren't enough to handle that kind of situation, but the sudden change of the case from Class- C to Class- A with an addition of the reckless action by our Spirits made the situation worse. Duh... Today, for sure we'll be listening to Aisyah's nags. But luckily the principal informed us to go to her office. Hope there would be some good news to lift my mood...

"Don't worry, Sir Edward. As what I've said, we could handle Fenrir. He was just an arrogant creature." Hercules said while being in a Invisible mode, hidden in the military tag worn by Harry; it was a Crest actually.

"I know Spirits like you and Anna can handle him... But we have to follow the paranormal investigation protocol..."

I got a headache with these two overconfident Olympian Spirits. When we arrived in front of the principal's office, I opened the door confidently. May the principal bore good news for me. Hehe...

"Well done, Ed and Harry!"

Eh? Aisyah? Why did she greet us here? It mustn't be the principal that invited her here...

"Thank you... Aisyah-sensei? Is it not that we're suppose to meet after my meeting with the principal?" I tried to remind her about this. Just in case she forgot...

"I know. I intentionally arrange both meetings now so that we can save some time. Moreover, the principal doesn't mind..." She answered. The principal who was sitting on her comfy chair smiled widely to her ears signifying that she really didn't mind. Okay then... I didn't mind too because it was a break time.

"Ow, okay. So, who's going to start first?" I gave the chance to anybody to start the discussion.

"I'll start! Because I need to go early and settle all the unsettled cases..."

"Alright. You first then." The principal granted her permission to Aisyah.

"Thank you, Mrs. Principal. First of all, congratulations to Ed and Harry for accomplishing your first case as pioneers of the Spirit Army. Secondly, all of us from Witchcraft Investigation Department want to apologize for the misinformation regarding the case directed to the students. In the future, there'll be no more the same problem going to happen."

"Thank you for your remarks. And yes, we're really hoping that the Department won't repeat the same mistake."

"And thirdly..."

Eh? The third?

"Next time, please do something more as a responsible leader and a Conquistador. When something unplanned happens, please report to the university immediately. You get this?"

Her face changed colours. A bubbly woman now turned into a sadist who couldn't wait to charge at her prey. Ah, she looked so mad. Who wouldn't get mad if unexpected and complicated case like that occurred, and yet haven't been reported to the authority...

"Ahahaha... Got it Aisyah-sensei. Next time, I'll be more responsible."

"It's good if you understand!" She turned back into a bubbly woman. It was great her sadist face appeared only in a short moment. Fuh, women nowadays are scary...

"So, those three are all that I wanted to say. See you next time then! If you want to engage in big cases, just find me."

In a fast speed, Aisyah left the principal's office.

"Our junior principal is too busy now. Eh, here comes our guest..."

A guest? When I turned my head around to look at the door opened by Aisyah just now, there was a little girl, her brown hair tied in two ponytails with a furry cap on, wearing the Northern tribe's traditional attire. She wasn't someone that looked like coming from Japan. Must be either from China or Mongolia.

"Wow, a cute girl from the North! New student?" Harry questioned after glancing at the unknown girl.

"Yes! She's Noy Krishna, from Tibet. She's a first year Shaman."

A Shaman... But she looked too young to be a university student.

"Noy-chan, please introduce yourself."

"Umm, alright. I'm Noy Krishna... Air Elementaler from Tibet... Nice to meet you."

Air Elementaler? From my knowledge, all Asian Shamans possessed skills to control various earthly elements as their specialties. It was different from European wizards who were dependent on the sorcery books and Spirits. The skillful Shamans to master an element would be known as Elementalers. So, that was the first time for me, meeting an Air Elementaler, the air Shaman.

"I'm Harry Hardouin. Just call me Harry. A Conquistador to Hercules."

"Err... I'm Edward Freeman. You may call me Edward. And this is Athena, my Spirit. We're both Conquistadors for the Olympian Spirits. Nice to meet you too."

"Ow... It's nice to meet both of you, Harry-san and Edward-san." She lowered her head as a sign of respect. We replied by doing the same gesture.

Looking at her courteous manner and shyness, plus her petite, teenage figure... Too cute! Duh... Why there should be a girl too cute appeared in front of me? But she looked a kind of familiar... From where exactly did I met her?

"I forgot to mention, Noy-chan is fifteen years old. She may be too young to enrol into the university, but her outstanding skill made her reliable to be a part of the Spirit Army. How's that sound? You like it, right?"

Really? She's just fifteen? That was too great for her to be a part of the Spirit Army at such a young age.

"Like it? Err, what do you mean by that?"

"Just admit it, Mr. Freeman. You like this kind of girl..."

"It's too obvious and shown clearly on your face that you like to see a girl like Noy Krishna, Brother."

"Ah, it's normal for a man to be attracted to a cute girl...who doesn't? Am I right, Harry?"

"Err... I'm not a part of this conversation."

Duh... They were having fun again. It's really normal for a man to be drawn to such a small, cute girl, especially the one like Noy.

"Sorry, Noy Krishna. Don't think too much... This is just a normal reaction. It's not that I'm really having such feelings..."

"Don't worry, I understand. Just call me Noy."

"Alright, Noy."

It was good that she understood, didn't really misinterpreted Harry's and Anna's nonsense.

"Hahaha... You looked so funny, young master." A happy vibe exploded around the principal, watching my nervousness. Fortunately she was a principal, if not then I'd have knocked her head very hard.

"It's quite odd... Actually, Noy-chan is a cheerful girl. But when she heard that you'll be her guardian, she becomes a shy girl..."

"Of course, Mrs. Principal. If her guardian is a man, of course she should be Guardian?"

"Correct! This is your task to carry. Take care of Noy-chan so that she can suit herself here."

Really... Take care of Noy? It was hard enough with looking for Anna days and nights, teaching her about life, now there would be another traditional person in the list, to make her comfortable in this so-called strange world?

"It looks like you'll be having a new sister, Mr. Freeman..."

" seems so."


"Waaa... Is Athena-san your adopted sister, Edward-san?"

"Long story short, yes, she is. And we hug each other a lot to strengthen our bond."

"Waaa... That's cool."

"I think that's how to make our siblings affection to grow stronger."

Mmm... They got close to each other after knowing for only few hours. So it seemed like Anna didn't show any normal woman's reaction such as jealousy towards Noy. She really didn't mind that Noy going to live with us. Maybe that was related to her being a cyborg herself, so she lacked emotional reactions.

"Hah! We've arrived our home... Noy, this is your new home."

The two-levels bungalow was modest, just like an average house, that was where Anna and I stayed. To conceal oir identities, we had to live outside the campus. For now, there would be an addition of another person living there, due to the reason that I was chosen to be her guide. And... I needed to explain everything to her before anything happen between Anna and I.

It would be good to have somebody to accompany Anna. It was exhausting to take care of the childish Anna who was still in a learning process of the world. If she was a kid, it would be better. But she was an e-Spirit, a woman at that, but still learning to know all about the women's issues. That made me crazy. It was enough with me facing this matter. If it was another person, it would be long ago that he escaped or else got married to his own e-Spirit. Ew...I couldn't even imagine that. I really hoped Noy's existence could help Anna better in that area.

"Waaa... It's a big house."

"It's a big house, right? Let's go to the room upstairs."

After passing the gate and the door, they made it to the second floor upstairs, leading Noy to Anna's room located at the end of the corridor, facing the staircase.

"Wow, the room is so big..."

In the room, there were only two beds, a wardrobe, a table, well-lighted with the sunlight shone directly through the window glass, and the wall was painted in white. Yes, the room looked so spacious.

"This room now belongs to you and Anna. Anna, please bring the bag to the wardrobe. I'm going to show Anna around the house."

Anna just followed my order. In fact, other than to bring Anna around the house, my second intention was to ask her about something.

"No, can I ask something?"

"What's that, Edward-san?"

"Truthfully... You were there at the mansion when Harry and I were assigned to our previous case, am I right?"

I wanted her to admit it. The petite traditional girl I'd saw during the Carol's case reall looked like her. Yes, I still remember...her body structure, the attire... They were the same.

"Eh? I think you've got the wrong person. Hehe..."

"Hmmm, are you sure?"

Listening to my doubtful tone, Noy became nervous.

"Err... Actually, it was the principal's order! She told me to help you secretly besides watching how the Spirit Army solves a case."

So, that was it. Noy really was the one who helped us under the principal's order. Oh! It made Noy felt guilty. Her nervousness went up to an upper level. She thought I would be angry at her due to her previous action.

"Thanks, Noy."


"You really did help us at that time. Your action succesfully weakened the Rogue Spirit. Hehehe..."

"Err, you're welcome then."

"Besides that, there's no Shaman yet in our platoon to help us detect Rogue Spirits and to protect our comrades against a firewall spell. Maybe you can be our Shaman?"

"I'm not a master yet..."

"We can learn together! We're improving ourselves and you can be the best Shaman in the future. How's that sound?"

"Emm... If you want then...I would love to be a Shaman in your platoon! Be the best one! Hehehe..."

Yes! By having this young and cute Air Elementaler as a Shaman in our platoon, it sure can boost our platoon to be the best among the best soon! Now I had to make Harry receive this super good news!