But I'm Straight

Oh God! Should I answer it. No, but what of he thinks I'm ignoring him. I mean I kinda am but I don't want him to know that. Ringggggggg! Oh...My finger clicks the little green button before I have time to panic I hear a familiar but frightining voice"Hey Thomas sorry you had to leave by yourself and thank you for leaving your number.....saves me the trouble for asking you for it". Adam sounds so calm. "But I need to talk to you about something,this subject might be embarrassing please meet me by the park around 5:00 am". This time his voice was a little bit raspy you could barely notice it but I could. The phone hangs up. A tear runs down my cheek. What have I done,he knows I kissed him. I'm straight but when I kissed him I thought maybe just for a second I could be something else, only with Adam but, now I've ruined everything. I head home it's 3:37 am I still have an hour and a half before I have to face Adam. As I reach for my door handle I hear footsteps. I look back , it's Adam walking up his grandparent's driveway. I duck behind my father's rose bush , I don't think he sees me. He has a huge grin on his face. Why is he so happy. I watch him until he disappears into the house. I stand up quickly, I go for the door handle. SHIT. It's locked I don't have my key and I can tell no one is home. My dad must still be at work and my sisters at a party. All the windows are locked because Danielle thinks the boogie man will get her. The only neighbors house who's lights are still on is Adam's. What do I just knock on the door? No. I don't want to wake up Mr. and Mrs.lou. It might be wierd but I know exactly where Adam's room is. I only know because last summer I had to move boxes out of it. I head to the back yard and I see Adam's window I crouch so he can't see me. I see a silhouette of Adam it looks like he's changing. If he catches me it will look like I'm peeping at him changing, but I'm straight. I quitly knock on his window but he hears it. He pulls back the curtain and opens the window. He's only wearing boxer shorts. His body is perfectly sculpted. "Oh hey what are you doing here"? He doesn't even seem surprised to see me. I just stand there in amazement I'm speechless but I soon snap back into reality. "Umm I got locked out of my house". I say with a scruff voice. "Grandma, Thomas is staying the night"! Adam pulls me through the window, he's so strong. To bad if I did swing that way Adam would be my choice. We just talked for a bit , but I let out a big yawn. "Here sleep in my bed". Adam jumps out of bed gesturing for me to get in. I feel akward but I'm to tired to fight with him. I hop in, I scoot all the way over I'm against a wall. Adam gets in bed but he can tell I'm uncomfortable. "I can sleep on the floor if you want"? He says sounding sympathetic." No I'm fine". I say without hesitation. I soon fall asleep. when I wake up our noses are touching. I look at my watch it's 8 till 5:00am. I lay there looking at Adam's closed eyes for a while but, then his eyes slowly open. Our noses are still touching. We just lay there looking into each other's eyes. Right when I was about to back away Adam puts his hand on my face. He closes his eyes and leans in. In an instant our lips are touching my body won't move. Why does this feel so nice? Adam backs up and opens his eyes. All I can say is "but I'm straight".