day dreams

I can hear the bathroom door open, it's Adam. He's wearing my shirt, He walks closer to me and grabs my face and says "I love you." He pulls his lips onto mine. He unbuttons his shirt and starts unbuttoning mine he..... "Thomas wake up we are in class!" Adam is pulling my arm to try and wake me up. I sit up straight I'm so embarrassed. I've been having these day dreams ever since that letter. I still haven't opened it yet ,but Adam doesn't mind. It's almost like he's forgotten all about it. Maybe he has? I don't know what my feelings are. Before I met Adam I was so confident in my straightness, but now I'm not so sure. The thought of me kissing a guy is wierd but me kissing Adam is so heartwarming. I wouldn't say I'm gay. I like women,but it's okay to like women and Adam. The Bell rings. It's time for second period. I decide to head home instead. My sisters are at school and my dad is at work so I can be alone. I used to skip school to hide from bullies so I'm used to this. I run through the door slamming it behind me. I head upstairs and open my door, there sitting on my stand is the letter. I sit on my bed just staring at it. I carefully open it like it's a fragile piece of glass, one wrong move will leave it shattered into a million shards. Inside is a light blue piece of paper and a picture. The picture shows to young boys with there arms around each other. One boy has dark brown hair and the other one has light blonde hair. The boy with brown hair has a huge smile on his face and the one with blonde hair is sticking his tongue out. As I flip the photo over my eyes grow wide. The back reads" Adam and Thomas age 7 first day of kindergarten." I don't remember this picture but clearly Adam and I were friends. Of course I wouldn't have remembered him anyway because his once blonde hair is now bright blue. I'm so shocked I don't even want to read the letter anymore, but I need to. I pick up the neatly folded paper and open it. I was so sure there was going to be a long letter written on the paper but there was only an address. 325 otter .st, this address seems familiar. I've been there before but I can't remember. It's pretty far from my house so ill need my bike to get there, but before I hop on my bike I get a text from Adam.

[Where are you] ~Adam

I don't text back I just hop on my bike and head to the place. I had to type the address into my phone so I wouldn't get lost." Thank God for gps!" My phone tells me to turn right, it's a hiking trail through the old park. On my way I spot many people, a woman petting her dog, a group of old woman jogging, but two people catch my eye. Two men holding hands with a little girl it looks like a happy family. My mind wanders thinking about Adam. I start day dreaming and end up on the ground. My bike tire hit a rock I'm fine but my bike not so much, the tire is now flat. A cute teenage girl around my age runs up to me "are you okay?" I smile and nod. I have to walk now. "Great!" I'm dragging my bike beside me with my right hand and holding my phone with my left, it's harder then it sounds. I'm about a block away from the place I'm supposed to go. I'm not really tired thanks to my gym teacher I'm used to walking and running for miles but after a long day of school I just want to sleep. I finally arrive. There's a huge tree with a picnic table under it. On the table is a daisy and a rose, beside the flowers is a pink card. The outside of the card reads " if you've found this that means you share the same feelings I just want you to know something...." The last part of the sentence is marked out. I hear something moving in the bushes before I have a chance to react someones hands cover my eyes and a familiar voice whispers"guess who."