what did I do

Adam stands up and walks to my bedroom door. "I should go" he says with a blank expression. I sit down on my floor and look at him. I nod my head yes and he walks out the door. Why does my chest hurt so much I can hardly breathe? It hurts what's going on?Did I do something wrong or did he forget about something he had to do? I'm so stupid I probably made him feel uncomfortable in some way. I hope he's okay. I've never felt this bad before. I fall asleep on my floor. I then woke up in a garden and Adam was right beside me he was so small and cute. He has blonde hair again his eyes are wide with happiness as he hands me a white rose. What's going on he looks so young? I noticed a ripple in the pond and I go to check it out. I get a long look at my reflection and I notice I look young too just like in that photo.


When I woke up it was completely dark outside. How long was I asleep? The pain in my chest continued. I was looking up at the sky and thinking to myself when I noticed the sun rising. What time is it? I pick up my phone and see it's 7:00 am. I didn't get much sleep and I have school today. I'll just skip. I need to pretend to go because my dad is home. I walk down stairs in some new clothes and pick up a piece of toast. my dad looks at me and says" it's still early son". I don't even turn around I just waved goodbye. I bet Rachel isn't even up yet. Should I stop by Adams today? I shouldn't bother him if he wants to talk he should contact me.


It's been an hour already and I'm just walking around the town. I see something move in an alley I'm passing I don't pay that much attention to it until a hand grabs me. I'm pulled into total darkness. What's happening?