Chapter Two: The System's Introduction

Six years pass, and Leo, formerly known as Alex, had grown up. Silver hair with a shade of blue, emerald eyes, and the energy of any other kid his age, Leo stormed the halls of his mansion.

"Young Master Leo, please wait!" Leo's butler, John, yells as he chases Leo.

"Never!" Leo yells, as he looks back, followed by laughter.

Right before Leo could face forward, his escapade had been cut short by Maria, his mother.

Enveloped by wind, Leo is lifted into the air and into John's arms.

Obviously stunned by the event that had occurred, Leo, mouth wide open with a blinding smile, looks at Maria.

"Leo, you have to behave and listen to John!" Maria states, scolding Leo.

"And John, do try to keep a watchful eye on Leo." She states, hands on her hips.

"Yes ma'am!" John exclaims, tightening his stance as he cradled the young Leo.

"Mom, will I be able to use magic like you do?" Leo asks, eyes glittering like the night sky.

"Maybe, if you sit still and listen to John's lectures."

As soon as she said lectures, Leo's face darkened.

"But they're boring!"

"Then how else would you be able to use magic if you don't study?"

Not able to come up with anything else, Leo nods.

"Pardon me, ma'am." John says, as he bows his head, Leo still in his arms as he heads to the library.

"No, please, no more books!" Leo yells, hanging onto the edges of the door frame as he's pulled by John.

As much as I too hate studying, it does help in retaining information, and also making sure that information lasts in your noggin.

Many hours pass, and a worn out Leo lays on his desk.

"And that's it for today, wasn't so bad, right, Young Master?" John asks, cleaning the chalkboard.

"Oh, before I forget, lets review!" John states, as he stops wiping the chalkboard.


As I am too lazy to make a dialogue between these two as the review, I'll just tell you the details of the world as they went over.

The world the Alex reincarnated in is called Omoria. In this world exists magic, magical creatures, elves, demi-humans, demons, dragons, the whole isekai shebang. Of course, Alex was able to retain his memories of his past life, giving him an advantage. And, that's pretty much it.

Oh yeah, magic, Omoria comes with four elements that those that have an affinity with magic, can have affinity with elements. Earth, fire, water and wind, the four main elements that can combine to create even more powerful spells. For example, earth and water can create "life", as in, it can be used to create plants. But that's only possible if you have an affinity with those two elements and can use them at will. Most people will only be able to use one element, some rarer individuals can use two, those that can use three are considered nobility or military mages, and those that can use four, and only a handful exist in Omoria, are considered higher life forms, despite them too being human. Whew, quite the explanation we got there.

Ah, I forgot about skills, well, to summarize it, skills are given to those that reach a certain level. By defeating magical creatures, one can gain experience and level up. Doing so will give the recipient a skill, or the ability to choose a skill. Of course, one should be careful when choosing, as you aren't able to go back, and leveling up gets harder the higher your level is.

"Ugh, so many things to remember, is this what mother and father had to go through?" asked Leo.

"Of course Young Master, otherwise they wouldn't be able to use magic." John replied.

"Are you able to use magic?"

"But of course, I'm able to use the element of water."

"Wow, really, can I see!?" Leo asks, eyes glimmering with excitement and expectation.

"That is only if Lady Maria permits it." John replies, turning down Leo.

"So if I ask mom and she says yes, you'll do it!?"

"It would seem so."

"I'll ask her now!" Leo exclaims, dashing out the door.

"Wait we aren't-, ah, and he's gone." John sighs, hand outstretched toward the door.

Dashing down the hall once again, this time not trying to escape, Leo makes his way to Maria's and James's bedroom.

"Mom, can John show me his water magic!?" Leo yells, bursting through the bedroom doors.

"Slow down Leo, could you repeat that one more time?" James asks, setting aside some documents and putting up his reading glasses.

"John said that he could show me water magic if you guys let him!" Leo exclaims, bobbing up and down, unable to contain his excitement.

"Finally, maybe I'll be able to use all the elements at this rate." Leo thinks, his inner self grins widely.

To clear up some confusion, let's go back to when he was just an infant.

"Dang, so I really did reincarnate, neat!" The infant Leo thinks.

"Initializing." A female voice speaks out.

"Huh, who said that!?" Leo thinks, yelling inside his mind.

"Initializing complete, activating protocols, complete, initiating tutorial." The voice speaks out once more.

"Oh no, don't tell me it's one of these."

"Congratulations, you have died, but due to the power of the Creationist's System, your soul was able to be saved, and sent to the world of Omoria, have fun!"

"Nice, the name of the system seems promising."

If Leo seems a bit too calm, he's seen enough isekai and isekai related manga and anime to understand how these type of things play out, I do too.

A panel pops up, as usual, it's only visible to the user, and Leo goes on to read its introduction.

--Congratulations, Alex, aka, Leo, you now have the rights to the Creationist's system, as the name implies, you are able to create things! Now, before you get your hopes up too high, this particular system comes with a catch, all things you want to create, you will first need a blueprint of the object you want to create. For example, to create a bow, you first need a list of the materials needed, (BTW, you don't need to gather the materials, the system has your back on this one.), the dimensions of the bow, and depending on how well the parts are drawn out, it'll determine its effectiveness, (I know you took engineering, this should be a piece of cake, yeah?), and the level requirements as well as its stats. If you want to add elements, they first need to be known to be used, to "learn" it, you'll first need to observe the element in action, the system will analyze it, soon allowing you to use it, as well as its corresponding spells, limited by your level, of course. (P.S, the level requirements of an item crafted is limited by the level of the crafter, as well as its stats.) As soon as you've gotten those things down, open up your inventory and set the blueprint inside, once done, tap on the blueprint, and select craft. In a few seconds, the bow should appear in your inventory, blueprints are able to be reused an infinite amount of times. The sky's the limit, and the number of blueprints you have isn't limited, so go crazy!--

"Ooo, nice, a system tailored to my major in my past life, this'll be fun!" Leo exclaims excitingly, with a grin reaching from ear to ear.

Back to present time.

"Well, if your mother allows it." James says, looking at Maria, who's lying on the bed, reading a book illuminated by an oil lamp.

"So can I!?" Leo asks whilst climbing up onto the bed.

"Are you done studying?" Maria asks, placing her bookmark and closing her book.

Leo nods furiously, you could almost see an afterimage of his head as he does so.

"Is it okay if I come with you?"

"Of course, let's go!" Leo exclaims, tugging on Maria's sleeve.

The two of them make it back to the library. As they enter the room, John had just finished cleaning the room.

"Good evening ma'am, I apologize for my unsightly state." John says, as he bows, covered in sweat, blazer off along with his sleeves rolled up, and his collar unbuttoned.

"That's quite alright, I trust studying with Leo hasn't been difficult?" Maria asks, handing John a handkerchief.

"Thank you ma'am," -as he proceeds to wipe off his sweat- "The young master proved to be quite studious."

"That's good to hear, now then, Leo said that you'll show him your magic if I allow it, is this true?"

"It is the truth, ma'am."

"Well then, what are we waiting for, let's head to the courtyard, I'll call over a servant to set up a training dummy."

"Yes ma'am."

The trio make their way to the courtyard, Leo being the first one being there. John makes his way to the middle of the courtyard.

"Alright, you may begin." Maria states.

"As you wish."

A ring forms around the feet of John, presumably a magic circle, both his hands enveloped in a faint blue light.

"O water, come forth and split my enemies, Water Cutter!"

As soon as John finished his chant, a blade of water comes forth from his hands. The blade cutting the straw dummy, splitting it in half.

John bows towards Maria and Leo.

"Analyzing, complete, User Leo is now able to use water magic and its corresponding skills." The system states.

"Congratulations, you have analyzed all the elements, access to [Blueprint Creation], is now allowed."

"Ha, nice, let's see what I can create once we get back inside." Leo thinks, drooling over what he could make.

"Hmm, what's wrong Leo?" Maria asks.

"Hm- ah, nothing!" Leo says as he snaps back to reality.

Leo runs up to John.

"It would seem I've caught some unwanted attention." Leo thinks, looking at Maria at the corner of his eyes.

"Wow, would I be able to do that!?" Leo asks, trying to shake off Maria's concern.

"Of course, with proper studying and practice, you'll be able to do so in no time." John says as he squats down, patting Leo's head.

"Now, let's head inside, shall we?"