Chapter Nine: Leviel

The four walk down the path towards the town, all dressed in casual clothing as to not stand out.

"Man, it feels nice to be out of our armor sometimes, all that metal really has weighed me down, I feel way lighter now!" Arc exclaims, jumping up and down.

"Yeah, even better now that we have a weapon lighter to carry around thanks to the young master." Anne says, eyeing the baton that Leo had subsequently made before hand, gifting them precisely for this occasion.

Quite some time passes, and by the time they make it to the town's gate, by how the sun's position, it's about twelve o' clock, or so, as Leo believes.

"We finally made it, that walk really something, at least our efforts weren't for nought as we made it to town!" Leo exclaims, pointing at the town sign.

[-Commercial Town Leviel-]

"A trading town, huh?" John says, arms crossed.

"Looks like some shopping is in order, let's get to it, shall we?" Leo states, walking through the gate.

Beyond the gate revealed a great deal of stands selling products varying from all over the continents. Food, weapons, armor, magical items, potions, basically everything you would see in an RPG trading area. People of different races can be found, Elves, Humans, Dwarfs and Demi-humans (Yes, Demi-humans, as in the type with the animal ears and tails). Venturing further into town directed the group towards the inns of the town.

"Looks like this is quite the area for a first time visit to the outside." Leo states, looking all over the place.

"Anything catch your eye, young master?" John asks, placing his hand onto Leo's shoulder.

"Not particularly."

"I can always just make what I want." Leo thinks.

"Now, now, don't be like that, it's not everyday that you get to go out and have a leisurely day like this." Arc states, his grin reaching from ear to ear.

"You do start magic training tomorrow, if I'm not mistaken." John states, his hand on his chin.

"Hrk." Leo sounds, his face darkening as he remembers the events that transpired in James's office.

"Then let's get going then!" Anne states, leading the charge.

The four then proceed to navigate themselves through the crowd, looking through stands that catch their eye.

"Man, the crowd here is awfully packed, we should move out of here soon." John states, squishing into Arc.

"Agreed." Anne replies, stuck between Arc and many other strangers.

The three manage to squeeze themselves out into an open area.

"Phew, thought we'd never get out." Anne says, wiping a bead of sweat from her brow.

"I feel that we're missing someone." Arc states with his arms crossed, looking at John.

"Because we are, we lost the young master!" John exclaims, bursting into a panic.

The knight duo soon follow suit, panicking and calling out for Leo. Meanwhile, Leo is too busy being lost.

"Well then, I'm quite lost, aren't I?" Leo asks, his question falling onto the ears of none.

Walking down an alleyway, he's soon surrounded by darkness, crates of many sizes, and the occasional scurrying of rats.

"Man, being lost sucks, and it's kinda creepy." Leo whispers, illuminating his way with a small ball of fire held up by his hand.

"Kyaaa!" a girl's scream echoes from the alleyways.

"Looks like it's my time to shine!" Leo exclaims, bursting into a sprint towards the scream.

As Leo heads to the direction of the screams, the girl's voice can be heard clearly.

"Let go of me!"

Posted up behind a crate, Leo peeks over, a carriage, four men and a tied up girl can be found, quite the scene from Leo's standpoint.

One of the men steps forward and crouches in front of the girl.

"Careful with her, the client wants her as unharmed as possible, hurry and load her into the carriage." says the crouched man, cloaked with a hood and mask hiding his face, and his voice quite young sounding, yet with a sharp bite.

Laughter follows after his order.

"Yeah, yeah, we know, we don't need some little kid to tell us what to do." one of the men states.

As soon as he finished his sentence, the man falls over, and a dagger can be seen in his neck, a pool of blood slowly forming around the body. The cloaked man then rips out the dagger and wipes off the blood.

"Holy shit, he killed him!" Leo thinks, his heart rate spiking, as he tries to hold back from throwing up.

"Take care of this too." He says, before disappearing into the dark.

"Yes!" the two other men exclaim in unison, still shaken from his sudden kill.

The two then proceed to carry the girl onto the carriage, who seems to have fainted after the man had been killed.

"Shit, I gotta move, or I'll miss my chance!" Leo thinks anxiously, the thoughts of death and the man who had just recently died fill his thoughts.

The sound of a carriage door being slammed closed brings back Leo to reality.

"Damn it, here goes nothing!" Leo yells, rushing towards the carriage, his baton fully extended.

"Oi, we got a kid running towards us." One of the men states, his voice, though subtle, has a shakiness to it.

"Damn, one problem after another, just kill the kid." the other states, his voice stern and commanding, unsheaths a sword.

Leo comes to a screeching halt when the two men confront him, both wielding swords.

"Don't try to be a hero kid, if you run off now, we won't kill ya." One of the men states, pointing his sword at Leo.

"I only got one shot at this." Leo thinks, coming up with a plan of action.

"Oi, are you deaf, if you don't scram, we're really going kill you." The other states, his voice pretty shaky, showing that he isn't used to this line of work.

"Damn, it's now or never!" Leo thinks, baton in one hand, facing against men over twice his size, steels himself for this fight.

Leo Aster

Title: N/A

Level: 1 (87.53% / 100%)

Health: 50/50

Mana: 100/100

Phys. Defense: 2%

Mag. Defense: 0%


Main Hand: "Poseidon" (National Grade Treasure - Water Magic Imbued Weapon) Friction Lock Police Baton.

Off Hand: N/A

Headgear: N/A

Chest Piece: Cloth Tunic (A regular tunic made of cloth, provides very little physical protection, but works well against the cold.) Durability: 20/20

Leggings: Cloth Trousers (A regular pair of trousers made of cloth, provides very little physical protection, but works well against the cold.) Durability 20/20

Shoes: Old Leather Boots (Worn down boots made of leather, provides very little physical protection, provides decent protection from the cold.) Durability 23/23


Firebolt: Lvl 1 (0% / 100%)

Wind Cutter: Lvl 1 (43% / 100%)

Stone Bullet: Lvl 1 (0% / 100%)

Water Bolt: Lvl 1 (0% / 100%)

God's Blessing of Engineering: Lvl MAX (0% / 0%)