Life 10: Teamwork Is Dream-work

'Hmm, that name Xealius is quite familiar I'm sure I've heard of it before.'

Thought Mr Lupus as he remembered the boy's strong physique rivalling a 2-Star Bronze Magus' power, and he remembered that on the introduction test similarly a young boy had gained 200 Battle Power on both his Physical and Mana test.

He remembered the boy's name began with an 'X' as well, and it finally clicked that they were one in the same. The one who aced all the exams was indeed the young boy he had just met.


"Well then it seems we'll have to work together if we wish to obtain the prizes from Mr Lupus... We'll need teamwork so we have to coordinate our abilities to win this."

After this I said, "To win this we'll need to use Terra Magic, does anybody have the Terra Attribute?"

Hearing this Nana and Juliet shook their heads as Wutian put his hand up, "Yo so you can also use Terra Magic, that's impressive Wutian, but can you create a wall of sorts made if earth?"

"Yes I can create and manipulate the Terra Attribute, Xealius!"

"Alrighty then, you will create an earth wall around us for defence and if anyone manages to break it with the Body Tempering Path then you should also create pitfalls and traps of sorts to strike them when they're down or something, just make sure the traps aren't very noticeable."

"Me Wutian, Juliet and Nana, will stay within the area to attack anyone if they try to defeat us, but remember if you can't handle it you can forfeit as this is only a test battle nothing serious."

"We will try to stalk the other teams and once we're ready we can then launch or magic at them, but since all of us except Me and Nana, are in the Body Tempering Path it means we'll have to be near our foes once Wutian lowers the wall."

"Nana will be our sniper and assist in long range attacks so if you can Wutian help her blend into the earth so she can help us eliminate the opposing teams."

"Remember if your overwhelmed then you can forfeit we have a year ahead of us to grow stronger, now let's go!"

After this we all got into practice as if this was the actual tournament as Wutian constructed the Terra Wall as defence and each of us tried breaking it but it took a while to do so and we could only break it if I used a fourth of my power.

Meaning this wall could withstand 1-Star Bronze Mage's but would fall at the hands of a 2-Star Bronze Mage which was excellent as only I was above 1-Star in the tournament.

After a while of practicing with each other soon a loud gong rang out signifying the beginning of the battle as the blue Mana Shield behind us began to slowly dissipate until it became nothing.

This meant we could now begin the battle unlike most teams we decided to stick together as I was efficient in both Mana and Body Tempering Paths, so if anyone did try attack me from afar I could do the same and also attack close range to defeat enemies quickly.

Once the blue Mana shield fell, almost immediately the sounds of moving winds filled the air as each and every team got out of their territory almost immediately.

And this also meant that we needed to find a team quickly to best and win against them.

And now that the movements of the team's was apparent everyone looked at me as if I was elected leader, though I wouldn't blame them since I did indeed take charge.

Turning to Nana Saegusa the one I suspected to be part of the Dokkaebi race.

Nana Saegusa:

She is proficient in the Mana Cultivating Variant Path the Sniper Path and the Frost Attribute, her special perk is that she's able to see things from multiple directions like a radar sense if you will.

Seemingly knowing my intentions Nana, quickly condensed some mana as she gained an aura of it that was invisible but gave off gusts of wind suggesting mana was present.

With this she put her hands on her head before removing them and finally her bright red eyes turned ocean blue in colour as I tried looking into them I saw only my onyx spiky hair, with my tanned skin and my muscular physique.

It was like looking at a mirror. But it was at this time that my trance was broken through when Juliet raised her voice prompting me to look at her.

The girl with the bright blonde hair let loose with her vibrant blue eyes gazed at me like I was a lecher taking in Nana's body.

However I tried to reply causing suspicion to be placed on me.

"Umm, Juliet this isn't what it looks like I'm definitely not looking at Nana's..."

"Excuse me Xealius but what are you talking about, is there a bug on my face, is there a leaf on my head..."

Hearing this I turned again noticing by the slight difference in voice it was Nana, meaning she'd surveyed the area for us. It seems she took what I said to the heart as I merely declined it and said.

"No it's nothing Saegusa..."

"Now can you tell us where the nearest team is? By any chance."

As if trying to change the subject I brought their minds out of the gutter, we had a task to do and some herbs to win, playing was for later not now.

Hearing this Nana merely frowned as she shook her head before saying.

"The nearest team towards us is currently north to us, and it seems they're placing traps around the area in an attempt to take out novices in battle."

"Hmm, is that so Saegusa then lead the way- we're all in your hands now so don't disappoint us."

With my particularly harsh words she nodded as a determined expression framed her face as she began her run to the location.

I couldn't help but find her determined expression cute as she began to lead us, with everyone in synch so we wouldn't fall into an ambush of sorts.