the legendary Genius

The universe contained many mysteries. Life is one of them. Even after so many years of development of the human race, it never achieved true immortality. Science wasn't capable enough. The beginning of the human race started in a dark corner of the milky way galaxy. On one of its spirals filled with endless stars, an explosion of a supernova star gave birth to the solar system. The Holy birthplace of humanity. With humanity came science and technology. Humans weren't most powerful creatures on Earth but they were the smartest.

Humanity started with Stone age. With the advancement in weapon technology came the era of the cold weapons and then came thermal weapons. Whenever humanity progressed into a new age, it was always thanks to the advancement in their weapons. A steel sword can break a wooden axe and a gun can kill thousands of sword wielders from long distance. Then came the era of nuclear weapons and humanity came into possession of weapons of mass destruction. The next leap in the weapon technology made by humans was the fusion bomb. These bombs developed based on fusion reactors which were made to destroy asteroids. Whenever humanity made advancement, it's previous weapons looked like toys in front of new weapons.

With fusion technology came the era of solar system conquest. The energy from fusion paved the way for humanity to become a multi-planet civilization. After hundreds of years humanity again developed even more powerful fusion drive and utilized the energy of fusion to travel at super speed, after that when the population of all of the planets were on the rise, humanity got control of most distant dwarf planets and Kuiper belt. They were now going towards the age of space exploration. It took a long time for humanity to break through the prison which was a solar system.

Because of upgrade and evolution in AI technology, humans in cryogenic ships were sent to other stars and suitable habitable planets. Humans soon in few centuries spread into this single part for the galaxy spiral. The oldest of the civilizations of aliens came into contact with humanity, humans never stopped. The thirst for curiosity and power was never quenched. War started and humans finally used weapons of mass destruction.

Even with god-like strength of Deus which were abnormally strong lifeforms couldn't save them from annihilation by hands of humans. That was the beginning of humanity's rise to becoming a galactic power. Thousands of alien races faced annihilation and millions of others surrendered. After hundreds of years, there appeared a genius in the human world. His name was Tylog Trouper. He was the inventor of space warp technology, his idea to utilize the energy of a star to burst open a hole in the space solved many problems and with this discovery, many other civilizations which were out of the reach of humans saw war again. The invention was called a space drill and helped humanity to travel around the milky way. Humanity became sole ruler of the Milkyway.

All of this was credited to Tylog Trouper and soon his son took the stage after 100 years. Lark trouper inherited his father's memory core and had experience of both his father and his own. Humans were capable of living up to 300 years, that's why it was a trend to produce kids near the age of 100. The memory core was alien technology which can save all of the life experiences of a life form and transfer it to another person. Because of this, he was able to utilize unbelievable resources of the whole galaxy and convert the energy of a star to open a hole in space and stabilize it. He was able to show Einstein's formula of mass can be converted to energy and utilized many reactors to make even stronger space fabric drill. it was small in size and didn't need much energy, thus huge warships were equipped with this technology which was later called FTL drive as it was equivalent to traveling faster than light. it was beyond fast.

This was different than his father in a way that his father only gave technology to make a hole in space and jump through it. But he showed the way to make this hole stable and keep it open for long periods of time, he also made the space drill which was made from star power. stronger and capable of penetrating the space for long distance. This once again in only another 100 years broke the prison that was milky way galaxy and led humanity to become an intergalactic civilization.

After 100 years of the birth of Lark Trouper. His son got the memory core of both his father and his grandfather and became a third heavenly genius. When he was 16 years old, he developed a star cannon which was able to utilize the same concept of using a drill to make a hole in the galaxy to create a galactic scaled weapon of mass destruction. By shooting this beam at the center of any galaxy, the black hole at the center would get damaged and the galaxy will collapse. He then at the age of 20 was sent to his private planet which was headquarters of Trouper industrial star sector. This was the most guarded star sector of humanity prime which was the ruling power of humans on each and every single galaxy.

Humanity was able to become an intergalactic civilization in just 300 years because of his father and his grandfather's efforts. The third genius named Ace trouper made another invention which was about to change humanity and make it rise to a new peak. It was developed from a prototype micro black hole he made which was enough to extinguish a planet in the blink of an eye. He converted this dense mass into energy with his Oblivion Reactors. He concentrated this huge and unimaginable amount of energy into a hairline sized laser and fired it into empty space. The readings he got from the explosion made even the legendary Genius shocked. The data showed that the particle beam even tore apart time fabric and another few space fabrics he didn't even know about. This was a huge discovery!