Where am I?

There was blinding light in the solar system as even the darkest corners of solar system lit up with bright light as two lasers which all their power intersected just in the middle of the fleet, there with a huge explosion, beams drilled into space.

There came a sweet voice of Alice " master, reactors are working at 100% power, we can maintain it for 10 seconds and approximately we would destroy 100 to 110 space and time fabrics by the time our energy runs out. " Ace looked at statistics as he smiled " just as expected, how many ships survived? " he looked at the huge hole which was devouring the spaceships "Master, only two spaceships were out of the attack area and survived, 15 are having hull fractures and 46 spaceships became melted liquid metal. other 127 spaceships which were in the direct center are missing."

Ace was startled as he looked at her " did anyone went into a different multiverse? " he was concerned as he didn't want general Grall and his men to chase after him. " Don't worry master, my reading shows that to survive the forceful eject of this multiverse space, spaceship needs to be extremely strong. if those warships face that kind of stress, they will be squished into metal balls " Ace smirked as he looked at huge space tunnel which looked like a gateway to hell in the space " Master, this space is highly unstable, the modification you made can only keep it stable for next two minutes. we should enter now "

"Yes, start the engines, we are leaving this Universe "

Titanium dragon's engines were activated and without a load of blackhole fuel, it was able to travel at an even faster speed. It was as if the whole ship came alive and was radiating an intimidating aura of a real dragon. The ship soon disappeared into the multicolored tunnel in the space.

Ace was about to go towards his bio-pod so that he won't be hurt when the ship was ejected from the tunnel but soon Alice's panicked voice was heard into the space ship " life signature detected, one of the ships survived. it is the prime war class ships wolfrunner! "

Ace was shocked as this ship belongs to Grall wolfrunner and he shouldn't have a strong enough ship which can withstand the explosion of two space drills. This ship survived unexpectedly and this means he was in trouble.

Grall was looking at the incoming ship with hatred as at the last moment when the energy beam was about to hit the ship , he had activated his own space drill which was a normal drill to blast a hole in space just before the beam hit him, but as soon as he entered the spatial space, he saw that the tunnel in which he was, was being warped like someone was twisting a cloth to squeeze water out of it and his ship was ejected by unimaginable amount of energy drilling through space-time fabrics.

His ships took less damage as he was in alternative space but still each and every single human on his ship except for him died. he was alive because he had undergone transplant which made his body as strong as Deus aliens which were said to have strongest bodies.

Grall looked at statistics of his body and he had multiple fractures in his body despite being so strong and he wanted nothing but to kill this kid who made him so miserable. he was going to die for sure but he would drag this kid along with him.

His eyes shone with ruthlessness as he spoke with hatred in his eyes " Initiate the Meltdown of the reactors, bypass all the authority. Initiate protocol 2..5..6..8..and self destruct the ship."

Alice was about to scan the ship when she suddenly said in panicked voice again " Target ship is radiating abnormally high radiation, reactors meltdown, Ship's Space cannons are charged up to 256% capacity! Master quickly go into your biopod! That ship is going to self destruct! " Ace's face was dark as he started running towards the bio-pod but as he was a few meters away from the pod, a huge explosion shook his whole space ship

" Space-time tunnel is getting unstable, engine damaged, hull damaged, reactors damaged, space drill 1 damaged, space drill 2 partially damaged, thrusters damaged, sealing the air leakages, all the critical areas are locked down " Ace was thrown around because of blast like a doll but his exo suit suddenly became active and tiny thrusters on the suit pulled his body towards as pod close down with him in it.

Ace looked at damage through the screen of the pod "Alice, can we make it!? "

" Master, the tunnel space has become unstable and now I don't know how many fabrics that explosion disturbed, our ship won't be able to take the impact of unstable space like this, chances of survival are 34%, our survival depends on what kind of universe we enter. "


In a completely different universe, a huge explosion took place as a massive ship which was twisted beyond recognization like someone took the ship and forcefully twisted the ship from each and every angle came out , this was titanium dragon and because of huge pressure on the outer hull of the ship, Despite being so strong, Ship was twisted so much that all the engines and outer parts of the ship were damaged.

Ace was still sleeping in his pod as the inner area where he was locked which was his private lap was safe and was damaged the least because of the impact. his pod was also about to shut down and Nanobots were constantly worked on it to repair it. Ace woke up and looked at the holographic image of the ship. It looked nothing like a dragon now and was broken beyond repair. He won't be able to repair the ship in a short amount of time but he was sure that he would find a way to fix the ship.

"Alice, what's the situation? give me a report about the current situation "

"Master, we have arrived into an unknown universe. No man-made radiation detected. Human population detected, abnormal space detected. we are right now a flat plane which is spanning across an individual space bubble. This is not a planet master, I can't even scan some of the areas as my sensors are damaged. The ship is finished as the only thing which is working in the ship right now is me and your lab, each and every single component of the ship is deformed and needs to be repaired on the molecular scale "

Ace looked at her report and he was shocked not because of the damage but because of the place he reached " What kind of Universe is this!? You are telling me that there is land on the bottom side of this whole universe and sky in the upper corner where all the stars are gathered? what kind of twisted thing is this!? "

" Master, What you said is correct and one more thing to take note is that the physics of this universe is different from our universe, there is some kind of disturbance that is blocking radiation from passing through. I can't scan the surface of this planet. "

Ace looked at the scanned data " so you are saying that we are right now floating in the sky of this huge continent which is endless and which is in an independent space? it's like a super small scale Universe? right? "

" Yes Master "

" Damn! I didn't expect my adventure to be this abnormal! well looking at the data, all the cargo is ruined so I don't have food, water or power to keep this ship running, and I don't even know where the hell am I!? "