Sector lord's strength

The wan gong mountain which was a desolate place where only the wan gong village people hunted until now was filled with people today. there were many noticably huge tents which can be clearly identified by their clothes and colour.

for example, the people in black clothes with purple embroidery and a weird gloomy dark tent were from shadow sect. those people cultivated dark arts which included blood, shadow, darkness,void and corrosion Elemental spiritual forces. they would also recruit the people of such attributes on sight and were one of the few sects that had the potential to be on par with the Wargod alliance.

on a different mountain peak, there were few tents which were snow white in colour. the place had positive energy and many plants were growing near the tents. the people were wearing white clothes with golden embroidery on them as they were silently cultivating near the tents, out in the open.

the tents belonged to the Divine dragon sect which was located in dongcang valley which was a miraculous location. it was said that the sun never sets there as the valley was made of the bones of a an ancient creature which had light elemental spiritual force. the whole valley would come alive and the bones would absorb light in the day and release the light in the night.

it was such a beautiful place that many people wanted to cultivate here, the sect was popular among the light,nature, fire, earth, water and many mainstream spiritual cultivators.

At the foot of the mountain there were five different colored tents belonging to the five elemental mountains. There were fire, earth, air, water and thunder. the five elemental mountains were five different third rate sects combined into one to oppose the Wargod alliance. the people of the mountain were wearing different colored clothes and were not wearing any particular uniform. there were variety of people in the group and although they were called one sect, all the mountain had different leaders and there was also fearce competition between them which was why the Wargod alliance was standing so strong against the five elemental mountains.

the Wargod alliance on the other hand were living in a few rock caves that the earth elemental elder of the Wargod alliance carved out from the wan gong mountain. Ace knew about this digging but since it wasn't near his dug up area where the seige worm was working, he didn't force them to stop. the caves were huge and spacious as the people of the Wargod alliance were gathered there.

the ten members from the Wargod's legion were there which were the strongest experts of the wargod's legion. there were also elder hong and elder duan and sevral other elders present there. they were discussing about the next course of action towards this sector lord.

" Alliance leader Han shuya, how strong do you think this sector lord is? I don't think he is that powerful because although his puppets are really strong, we haven't seen him in personal and we do not know what his cultivation is. I think that this puppet master is a fake and we should do something to investigate what his current cultivation is. if he is a fake then we do not need to participate in this tournament and we can just snatch the body of the dragon right away. "

Han shuya who was sitting on the golden red metallic seat while wearing a red Wargod armour pondered as he looked at the elder. " I think what elder said is right but we also need to be careful. if the sector lord is as strong as the others people and our Scouts say then we will be taking a huge risk of offending him. on the other hand, it is not just our problem as there are others who thinks the same way. I think we should take wait and see approach as the other sects like Shadow sect won't be able to sit much longer and some of them would act sonner or later. Everyone would know how strong this Sector lord is then. "

all the elders nodded as they walked out of the tent. there were a few disciples from the dragonslayer army lined up in front of them.

Han shuya looked at them as he spoke " you are all now members of the dragonslayer army and from today onwards you represent the War God's alliance. You will be rewarded generously if you manage to get within the top 10 and those who can get the first three positions will be allowed to join the War God's Legion. "

the disciples standing there were excited as this position as one of the members of the War God's legion was very lucrative. those who get this position can get as many amount of resources as they want and there will be no shortage of spiritual stones for them. the only thing that the Wargod's Alliance didn't lack were the spiritual stones and only thing that geniuses needed and had huge amount of shortage of were also spiritual stones. this would mean a Win-Win for both and surely all the disciple decided to give it their best in this tournament after hearing this declaration.


Ace was sitting in his chair while enjoying another glass of delicious juice that Alice prepared herself as he was looking at all the different kind of screens where the data was been collected about many different peoples. there were hidden robots everywhere on the mountain and they were capturing each and every single detail of various different groups of people.

Ace smiled as he looked at alice and said " Alice, Its finally the time we show our strength to them so that they will know who is the boss of Wan gong mountain. the primitive people of this planet needs to find out that apart from cultivating, great power can still be achieved by an individual with the help of knowledge and technology. Knowledge has always reigned supreme and it will also do the same today. "

Ace soon walked up to the War Devil armour and put it on. the modifications were finally done and there were a few features in this armour that enhanced his performance greatly. he made it change the appearance based on his thoughts as there was a function that created an illusion around the armor with morphing of light and radiation. this property was based on the ability of the light dragon Qingshen as the armour would cover itself in illusion of light and he appear to be a mysterious cultivator wearing the original primitive clothes of this planet.

this was to prevent others from noticing the similarities between Shen Tiancai and Sector lord. although he already stated to the War God Alliance that he was related to Shen Tiancai, if he wears same kind of Armour as Shen Tiancai, he would be exposed and they would surely know that he was Shen Tiancai.

soon he wore the War devil armour and the light illusion came into effect. his metalic appearance suddenly changed as now he looked like a middle aged man wearing a dark brown coloured Robes with Red embroidery and a black metal armour of ancient china on his chest, hands and legs. this was the real appearance of the Sector lord that he wanted to show the world.

He soon floated with this armour and appearance as he looked down at all the people representing various sects and powers as his voice echoed all around the mountain.

" Hello guests from afar, I am Sector lord and I welcome you all to the Wan Gong mountain. I know that you all are here in order to win various prizes and some of you are here for the dragon's corpse. No matter what, you all would gain something from this tournament so here i annouce the beginning of the Sector lord's tournament! "