Winners and Trouper City

Finally after three days, the preliminaries were over. The 1000 desciples who won in each battle royal were gathered on the tournament ground and ace was standing in front of them on the stage wearing his war devil armor. He looked st the geniuses gathered here and noticed some interesting faces. There were quite a few desciples that he knew.

For example, the girl who kidnapped him at the Misty pavilion was here. There was also yi jian whom he met in the Misty Forrest. The two sisters from fang clan were also there but only Fang Jie made it into the Top 1000. Fang Dai was sitting in the audience and watching the things devlop.

Ace smiled as he looked at everyone " Congregations to you all gathered here, you've defeated 100 people of the same cultivation as you. some of you used pure strength, some had skills at their disposal, some had innate elemental advantage and some were using unique weapons. There are also a few who used tricks but a win is a win.

Now, i would reveal the list of top 300 desciples now, pay attention because there is no glory for those below top 300. You all are ranked based on your cultivation level. Those in the same cultivation are given their rank randomly. "

as he finished speaking, the big screen expanded. Two more screen popped out as one of them extended downwards and the other one, upwards. On one side of the screen, top 1000 participant's pictures were given with a number under their picture.

In this list, From rank 1 to 43 were Spirit Masters rank 5. From 43 to 125 were Spirit Master rank 4 and so on. After spiritual master, there were apprentice ranks. There appeared another list which showed the faces of top 300. They were not distributed like those in top 1000. There was a contribution system in place, based on the books and because of that, those disciples who received heavy investment by their sect would get higher rank. Some had families which invested for their children to get higher rank.

They did give investment to Ace in order to get higher rank but the disciples who received the most contribution were from four sects. The first person was female named Tang Rong of the Five Elemental mountains. The second ranked person was Bai jin of the Wargod's Alliance. Third rank being Gao ling of Divine Dragon sect and the fourth rank being Peng Jing of the shadow sect. The four sects heavily invested and were generously providing ace with a lot of knowledge.

They saw the strength of Sector lord and knew that nothing was free in the world, Sector lord was giving their disciples fighting experience and the dragon, which was a good thing but they also needed to give him something in return. So except for some core teachings, they gave a huge amount of knowledge to ace.

Ace was also excited because there were so many books that he was scanning everyday, Although he could scan them all at once and store it in his brain, in order to sort and use the the information, the books needed to be arranged by their elements or by their style and other sub-category. There were computer Ai working on deciphering the knowledge and using it and implementing the knowledge into Manufacturing the robots. Each and every single generation of robot that came out of factories were stronger then the previous batch.

Ace was also mutually gaining fighting experience and new ways to utilize the spiritual force as he watched the marches. he had already notified Alice to record each and every single detail about the desciples who had cultivation above his on both list and even told her to keep an eye on those who were strong despite having low cultivation.

The desciples of top 300 entered the training ground one by one. They all stood besides the top 1000 and there was a subtle hostility between two groups. The reason being, the top 300 were all disciples of the Sects who were given an advantage in this competition. In top 1000, only one third were of sects, other were from strong families or lone geniuses who got Fortuitous encounters that boosted their strength.

" Now, You would get to rest for a week, We all are going to meet the same day next week and only then the second round would start. In this round, we would bring down the numbers to top 50..." As soon as he said that, all the desciples present there gasped. They 1300 people and to bring down that number to 50 means that 1250 people would be eliminated. The geniuses became serious as they looked st the sector lord standing on the stage.

" As for those who get into top 1000, And those of you who are into top 300...As i promised, i would allow you to spar with my robots. My creations are strong and they are available according to their ranks, You can order a robot and the robot would be given to you. You can fight with it as much as you like, if you are able to break it, you would receive either a cultivation technique or a martial arts technique of your choice. " As soon as he announced this, there was another wave of uproar in the crowd.

This was once in a lifetime opportunity for them to earn a cultivation technique for themselves. ace looked at their happy faces as he smiled " Of course, the next robot that you would get would be stronger than the last one, Each subsequent robot that you are able to destroy, the higher the rank of reward that you would receive. After you defeat three robots, you would be given the list of all the rewards available and you would get to choose the reward..."

It was as if the Bomb was dropped in the ocean as the desciples were excited. They never had a chance like this before, they all saw how the robots carried the knocked out and injured participants outside, they were made of metals and did not look that strong. All them were expecting to defeat at least three robots.

Ace saw the eagerness to fight on their faces as he smiled " Now, my robots would escort you to your living place in the mountains. Please maintain discipline in this week. The stadium needs to be upgraded so you would have to fight outside in the Yellow leaf Forrest.

There were Small buildings made in a huge area of 1 square kilometers and it looked as if a small city was there. All of the people present witnessed this city where there were food stalls run by robots and even many shops which sold various cultivation resources and some of the creations from the future in exchange for the knowledge.

There were also weapon shops there which had weapons of excellence quality and there were even Master blacksmith level weapons available there. Ace was now able to make master level weapons because he had many new manufacturing equipment that he didn't have before, Just by using the apprantice rank meterial, he was able to elevate the power of the weapon to master rank.

This was an achievement in it self because toake a high rank weapon from inferior meterial was even harder than making Ultimate grade weapon. The desciples who saw this were even more amazed as they looked at the city. This huge city was constructed in just a few days that they spent in the tournament.

" All of you are assigned a room. There is an an open area in the Forrest, it is protected by my robots so you do not have to worry about the spirit beasts and can take your training robots there and spar with them. No one is allowed to fight inside the city and those who do so would be disqualified unless there is a challange issued by a disciple. There is a central office from where you can collect a new robot if you break your current one. The robot who is escorting you would be your training robot and i hope you can win as many rewards as you can. Welcome to Trouper City!" Sector lord's projection smiled at them. This time, it was a green hologram above the city and it looked almost real. It was as if a giant was standing above the city as disciples looked at this giant projection in the sky.

As soon as the desciples heard this, some walked calmly with their robots towards their respective homes and some were eager to fight their robots right away. it was as if a festival was being held and many shops were also flooded with desciples.