Jealous Li

Brushing his hands on her hair, Li Singtan said," Fine you can go and meet him."

Xie Ming laughed and said," I am not going today."

" Huh?"

" I'll go tomorrow." Xie Ming said.

Li Singtan shook his head and said," No meet him today and finish it off. I don't want that man to ruin my tomorrow too."

Xie Ming smiled and asked," Are you sure Mr Li?"

" Yes. But you have to promise me that you will come back to me?" Li Singtan said.

Xie Mung laughed and said," As if I can run away from you."

" You can call him at Red hood cafe. I guess can I spare a table for him." Li Singtan said.

Xie Ming laughed and said," I'll just message him."

" Ya whatever." Li Singtan said.

Picking up her phone from the bed, Xie Ming was about to message Chen Siquan when she noticed Li Singtans gloomy expression.

Passing her phone to Li Singtan, she chuckled," Here why don't you type it for me."