Two days

Inside the underworld base, three handsome young men and were sitting on a couch sipping wine.

" I told you it is a trap." Yutang said.

Mike chuckled and said," Don't you think that Simon is becoming more and more sly day by day?"

Yutang nodded his head," He needs to improve his methods."

Taking a sip from the glass, Li Singtan said," He has started executing his plan."

Yutang sighed and said," What can we do?"

" Let him do whatever he wants." Li Singtan said.

Mike pouted his lips and asked," Aren't we feeding him with my poison?"

Li Singtan smirked and said," Not yet. He is using Che Siquan against us."

Yutang laughed and said," I guess he thinks Ming is still into Chen Siquan or something like that."

Patting Singtan's shoulder Mike chuckled and said," Mr Husband don't get jealous or angry when you receive a bunch of photographs tomorrow."

Yutang raised his eyebrows and said," I wouldn't be shocked if he receives some photoshopped photographs too."