Set their boundaries

" Are you talking about the gang which is led by Silbester Wu's son, Sebastian Wu?" Mike asked.

" That's right. People think that it's Sebastian Wu who is leading the gang but that is not true. Only few people know that it is actually led by another boy who is popularly known as Smith. These two boys have done wonders in US. Almost the whole underworld of US fears them." Yutang said.

" Interesting but why are they shifting their main base to country S?" Mike asked.

" That is still unknown but we have to be careful." Yutang said.

Mike frowned and asked," Why careful? Aren't they just kids?"

Li Singtan shook his head and said," Don't underestimate them. Though that Wu guy is just like his father, dumb and stupid but the other guy is not like that. He is very young but is an excellent shooter. I heard that he never misses a shot. The missions that are executed under his supervision are flawless. He is very smart."