Pregnant not handicapped

Li Mansion.

After spreading out the dishes on the table, Mother Li called everyone for dinner.

Rubbing his hands together, Mike said," Ahh everything looks so tasty."

Yutang chuckled and said," Eat less Mike you are growing fatter day by day."

Mike frowned and said," I am fit as fuck."

Yutang nodded his head and said," Yes Yes our Mike is as fit as a donkey."

Nodding his head in satisfaction Mike said," Goo- hey what did you say?" 

" Alright now stop talking and dig in." Mother Li said.

" Yamyam when is Quin and Rose coming back?" Anna asked.

" May be by next week. Ben is having so much fun in Maldives that he doesn't want to come back." Mother Li said.

Yixi cheekily smiled and said," Ahh I love Ben. He is so cute."

Clearing his throat, Yutang said," I am cuter."

" In your dreams." Yixi said before placing a roasted chicken on Yutangs plate.

" Where is Singtan and Ming?" Mother Li asked.