Take care of your son


Singtan frowned and said," Quin is your dad and you are a Li okay. Don't listen to him. You believe uncle Singtan right?"

Ben nodded his head.

Kissing Ben's cheeks, Singtan said," Let's go inside and eat some ice cream."

Ben cheekily smiled and said," Ben wants chocolate ice cream."

Li Singtan smiled and said," Okay okay let's go now."


After giving Ben some ice cream, Singtan took out his phone and called Han Zihao.

" I want to see the CCTV footage of the entire hallway by tomorrow." Li Singtan said.

" Okay sir anything else?" Han Zihao asked.

" Arrange few more bodyguards for Ben. I want his kindergarten to be fully guarded too." Li Singtan said before hanging up the call.

After eating, Ben poked Li Singtan and said," Uncle Singtan I am done."

Singtan smiled and said," Now look at you. Who is going to wipe your face?"