Crying like a baby

Inside marriage bureau.

When Mike and Anna entered the bureau, Mike took her straight towards his grandpa and said," Anna this is my grandpa."

Anna smiled and said," It's nice to meet you grandpa."

Grandpa Zhang smiled at the beautiful young woman standing in front of him. Patting Mike's shoulder, he said," I am proud of you." Turning towards Anna, he said," And you little one, welcome to the Zhang family."

Anna smiled and said," Thank you so much."

" Come here child."Grandpa Li said.

Giving Grandpa Li tight hug, Anna said," I am glad you came Grandpa."

Patting her back, Grandpa Li said," It's such a big day for you. So why wouldn't I come?"

" Not only for her, it's a big day for me too." Mike said.

Grandpa Li chuckled and said," Yes boy you too."

" Alright let's begin now." The officer said.

Grabbing Anna's hand, Mike said," You can back off if you want to."