Merciless and cold hearted

Li Mansion.

" Oh my God I cannot believe this." Yixi shouted.

Anna chuckled and said," Even I was shocked when I heard about my pregnancy."

Ming chuckled and said," You very well know what my reaction was."

Yixi pouted her lips and said," Even I want to have a baby."

" Well why don't you tell this thing to Yutang." Ming said.

" Mike has gone crazy after I told him about my pregnancy." Anna said.

Ming laughed and said," You all know how Singtan is right?"

Anna chuckled and said," Mike isn't as bad as Singtan. Atleast he allows me to walk sometimes."

Ming helplessly shook her head and said," I don't know what to do with him."

" Well you have to endure it for 6 months more." Yixi said.

Caressing her stomach, Ming said," An what do want? A girl or a boy?"

Anna smiled and said," I want a sweet little girl."

" And I want a boy." Ming said.

" I want twins." Yixi said.