Little Songpa

Twelve years ago.

Lebu, country S.

Carrying his heavy school bag, seven year old Songpa was dragging his tired body home.

After he arrived home, he dropped his bag on the floor and ran inside shouting," Mom I am home."

A young woman came out of the kitchen and said," Hey you little thing mom isn't home." before tickling Songpa's stomach.

Songpa heartily laughed and said," Sister Jil don't do that."

Kissing Songpa on his cheek, Jil said," Go and freshen up. I made your favourite choco chip cookie."

Songpa jumped in excitement and shouted," Yeaahh I'll go and come back very fast."

After dressing up, Songpa was busy eating his cookie when his mother and father arrived.

Rushing towards his father, Songpa hugged him and said," What did daddy bring for me?"

Pretending to search for something inside his pockets, Luke took a lollipop and said," There it is. A sweet lollipop for my sweet son."