A week late

Two weeks later.

Groaning and figiting on the bed, Ming threw a pillow on Singtans face who was sleeping soundly beside her.

Singtan gasped and quickly got down from the bed and murmured," Okay okay I got it. Bag, car keys, wallet, Ben and Sam's welcome baby card and-"

" Singtan." Ming shouted.

" Ohh ya and of course you. Come come let's go." Singtan said before stretching his hands towards her.

Smacking his hand away, Ming shouted," My water is still intact, I am okay and nothing is happening."

Singtan breathed and sigh of relief and said," Ohh thank God I thought your water broke."

" I cannot sleep and there you are snoring like an eighty year old fat man." Ming shouted.

Stretching her hand towards him, Ming said," I have never felt this uncomfortable in my entire life."

Helping her up, Singtan said," It's fine, the doctor said it's quite normal if you are late by a week or so."