
Kissing his great-grandson's forehead, Grandpa Li said," My great-grandson is going to grow up and become the most handsome man in the world just like my other two great-grandsons. Huh don't underestimate my families genes. And your great-granddaughter will run behind him." 

Grandma Zhang snorted and said," In your dreams Mosen, it will be your grandson who will run behind my granddaughter wagging his tail like a dog." 

" That is never going to happen. Li's never run behind woman like that." Grandpa Li said.

" Yeah right because Li's are cowards who don't have the guts to confess their feelings." Grandpa Zhang said.

Just then the two little ones started crying together. 

When their dads heard their soft muffled cries, they quickly rushed towards them and took them on their arms. 

" If you old men want to fight, do it outside you are disturbing the kids." Grandma Li said.

" Lingtian started it."

" Mosen started it."