All by himself

Inside the room.

When the nurse brought the little one inside, Father Xie quickly took her into his arms.

" Aww she is so beautiful." Ming said.

Father Xie's heart bloomed into happiness when he saw the tiny little thing in his arms. 

Pulling the little one closer, Father Xie promised to give her all the happiness in the world.

" Can I?" Singtan asked.

Father Xie nodded his head and gave the baby to Singtan.

Holding the little one in his arms, Singtan grinned and said," She is so cute just like our Zian."

Ming chuckled and nodded her head.

" Ming isn't Zian alone at home?" Father Xie asked.

When Ming nodded her head, Father Xie said," You should go home now. Zian is still very small and needs you around every time and we all are here with Yurin so you don't have to worry."

Ming nodded her head and said," Okay father."

Passing the baby to Yufan, Singtan said," Call me if you need something."