
After spending quite some time with Yumi and the other kids, Siquan left the Li mansion with a smile on his face.

He knew that his daughter was in safe and better hands and under their care, Yumi would grow up to become a wonderful human being and would never end up becoming like her parents. 

Siquan was more than happy because they did not stop or restrict him from meeting his daughter and wanted nothing else.

Before Siquan left, Ming said," It's Zian's and Mian's birthday the day after tomorrow. If you want, you can stay and celebrate the day with us."

Siquan smiled and said," I am glad that you asked but I have to leave."

Ming smiled and said," Alright then, have a safe journey."


After coaxing Zian to sleep, Singtan hugged Ming from behind and buried his face on her neck.

Ming sighed and asked," What happened Singtan?"