Stay away

Li mansion.

" Alright let's go." Singtan's and before picking up Yumi in his arms.

" It's all your fault." Ming said before helping Zian wear his shoes.

Singtan sighed and said," I am sorry, there was this important meeting so-"

" Stop talking and get car ready Singtan. It's your son's birthday tomorrow and he doesn't have any clothes to wear and even Yumi. What is she gonna wear in her brother's birthday party tomorrow?" Ming shouted.

" It's all your fault. When I told you that Ling and I will take them you said that you want to

go so I asked Ling to accompany Anna and now it almost 7 and our kids still don't have clothes to wear." Ming said.

" Sorry sorry let's leave." Singtan said before walking out of the room with both the kids in his arms.



" Aunty, Uncle." Sam and Ben came running towards them.