Drunkards (II)

Zechan sighed and shoved the money inside his pocket before turning around to take a look at the drunkards.

He widened his eyes in shock when he saw all of them sitting on the floor and fanning themselves.

" It's getting hot here." Dina shouted.

" I want to take off my clothes." Anna said.

" Me too." Yixi said.

Taking off her shrug, Beth said," I am feeling more hot now."

Walking towards them, Zechan said," We all should go back to the hotel. It's quite late."

Just then Delila pounced upon him and said," You smell so good."

When Zechan felt her hot breath on his neck, he gulped in nervousness.

Lightly pushing her away, Zechan said," Let's go back."

Delila frowned and asked," Why did you push me?"

Zechan sighed and said," Del let's go back and we will talk tomorrow okay?"

Looking at him with teary eyes, Delila asked," Am I not beautiful enough?"