Wedding (II)

Inside the restaurant.

Sitting opposite to each other, Siquan and uncle Chen were quietly sipping their coffee without making any kind of sound.

" How is your father?" Uncle Chen asked.

Siquan nodded his head and said," He is fine." 

" Your mother." Uncle Chen asked.

" She is fine too. She has sent some homemade chocolates and banana chips for you. She said that it's your favourite." Siquan said.

" Bring them to my room later and don't eat anything from there." Uncle Chen said.

Siquan chuckled and said," I am not a kid anymore."

" Some habits never change. You never stopped stealing my chocolates even when you were all grown up." Uncle Chen said.

" That is the past now, everything has changed." Siquan said.

Uncle Chen smiled and said," Nothing has changed Siquan neither you nor me or our relationship. We are still uncle and nephew right?"

" Uncle-"