
After spending almost five hours at the amusement park, Singtan brought the kids home.

Inside the car Singtan warned them about a few things before entering the mansion.

" No one will say anything about us having fun today at the amusement park, okay?" Singtan said.

The three kids nodded their heads and said," Okay."

" Your mommy is very intelligent and can find out the truth in a minute so we have to be careful." Singtan said.


Inside the mansion.

" You brought them home? I was about to leave." Ming said.

" Yeah I happened to finish my meeting early so I decided to fetch them first." Singtan said.

Ming nodded her head and said," Come kids let's go and change." before taking the kids upstairs.

Just then, Singtan received a call from Zechan saying," We escorted Ms Xie to the airport and she boarded the plane as well. Our men back in US will inform us once she lands there."