I saw Yumi

When Singtan received a call from Zihao, his expression turned gloomy and he said," I'll be right there."

Noticing the change in Singtans expression, Mother Li asked," What happened?"

" Quin met with an accident." Singtan said.

Mother Li panicked and said," What? Quin? He-"

Cutting his mother off, Singtan said," Zihao said Quin is out of danger now."

" We should go to hospital." Father Li said.

Singtan nodded his head and said," Yes, let's leave."

Just then, Mike received a phone call from one of father Si's guards.

" What? How?" Mike shouted.

" Alright, I am coming." Mike said before hanging up the call.

" What happened?" Anna asked anxiously.

" Father met with an accident and is in a very critical condition." Mike said.

Anna froze when she heard that. Her eyes turned red and tears started rolling down her cheeks.