Friend Zoned

Shopping mall.

"Why would you do that?" Yumi asked.

Mian chuckled and helplessly shook her head, "Because your brother is naive and shy. His whole body turns red even if I stare at him for more than thirty seconds."

Yumi chuckled and asked, "So did you ask him?"

"Ask what?" Mian asked.

"Whether he will propose to you or you have to do that as well?" Yumi asked.

Mian chuckled and said, "Well chances are that I have to do it. Not that I mind but I'll be happy and at peace if he does it." 

"Yumi, Mian." Linyang shouted before rushing towards them.

"Ahhhhhh-" Mian squealed before giving Linyang a hug.

"I missed you both so much." Linyang excitedly exclaimed. 

"I missed you too." 

"How can you both hug without me?" Yumi pouted her lips and complained.

Pulling Yumi for a group, the three best friends hugged each other to their heart's content.