Zixin’s sacrifice

Yushen quickly rushed outside but the woman from the executive department was nowhere to be seen.

"Damn Yushen you are such an idiot." Yushen cursed himself for being so stupid and naive. How could he forget to ask her name?

"Ahhh look at you, I have been looking for you everywhere." Linyang frowned and complained.

"Sister Linyang did you see someone run out of here?" Yushen asked.

"A girl who had a shirt in her hand which by the way was the same one you were wearing when I saw you today." Linyang raised her eyebrows at Yushen.

Yushen smiled and said, "It was just an unexpected encounter with a beautiful girl who is from the executive department by the way."

"Ahhhh I smell something different from you today. Quick, tell me what her name is?" Linyang asked.

Yushen sighed and helplessly shook his head. "I don't know."


Zian's office.

"Start spilling." Glaring at him, Mian started unwrapping a chocolate bar.