
Li mansion.

"White or blue?" Ming asked.

Buttoning his shirt, Singtan sighed. "Honey for the last time, everything looks good on you. Just wear a rag and you'll still turn me on." 

Ming rolled her eyes at her husband and decided to go with the blue dress. 

Stopping her, Singtna shook his head. "No, don't wear the blue dress." 

Ming raised her eyebrows and frowned. "You just said I look good in everything."

Singtan vigorously nodded his head. "Yes you do look in everything there no doubt in that but did you forget that even Siquan is also coming tonight and how short this dress is?"

Ming sighed and helplessly shook her head. "Really Singtan? It's already been so many years and we already have a twenty-five years old son and a daughter. What the hell is wrong with you? And even you are on good terms with Siquan now. You go out with him for drinks and party together sometimes. In fact even Siquan has such a lovely family of his own."