I hate you


When Yumi came outside, she frowned when she did not see anyone.

Turning towards the crew member, she asked, "Who were you talking about?"

Pointing towards a particular direction, the crew member added, "He is waiting for you there."

"Geezzz what is this? Some kind of mystery man?" Jasper asked.

Walking towards the direction, Yumi froze when she saw a very familiar back. 

Jasper raised his eyebrows when Yumi suddenly stopped walking. Tapping her shoulder, he asked, "Wooohh girl what happened? Did you see a ghost?"

Without saying anything, Yumi slowly made her way towards the man.

She wished it was him but at the same time she wished it wasn't him. She was dying to see him but at the same time she didn't want to see him. Yumi was feeling so complicated and confused. 

Stopping right before the man who had claimed to be her 'Old friend' Yumi gulped in nervousness.