
Zixin and Yumi dropped the matter when Kathy sighed and finally agreed to hire an assistant.

"You both are like seriously meant for each other." 

Wrapping his arms around Yumi's shoulder, Zixin grinned. "I know right? We are just perfect for each other. Please come to our wedding and don't forget to get an expensive gift for us."

Kathy and Yumi widened their eyes in shock and shouted, "WHAT?"

Kathy gasped and excitedly squealed, "Ahh I am so happy for you guys." 

Looking at Zixin, Yumi pursed her lips and raised her eyebrows. From where the hell did marriage pop in? They had just reconciled and here he was inviting people for their wedding which did not even exist. Where was the surprise, the proposal speech and a romantic set up? Yumi was feeling sour and sweet at the same time.