
Inside Huang's office.

"Please call me if you want anything." 

When Huiling smiled and nodded her head, the assistant left.

Looking around, Huiling started observing Huang's office carefully. Everything looked so neat and organised. 

Huiling liked how neat and organised Huang was. Though she was very clumsy and messy, Huang wouldn't mind right?

Little did she know that Huang was already head over heels for her. He loved each and everything about her. From being clumsy and cute to being all badass, there was nothing about Huiling that Huang didn't like.

"Why can't you let me in?" A woman shouted her lungs out from outside.

Huiling raised her eyebrows and decided to check who it was.



A woman dressed in a very short mini-skirt and a top which hardly covered her breast, was arguing with Huang's assistant.