You are mine

Guang widened his eyes in shock and shouted, "What?" When Qiang nodded her head, he frowned and asked, "When did you find out?"

"Yinhai told Becca yesterday and she told me. I still wasn't sure but today when Ash asked me to help him out with Elsa and—"

Cutting her off, he asked, "So you knew about it all along? So what you said today in the morning—"

"I was trying to make you jealous." Burying her head on his neck, she pouted her lips. "You were willing to give up on me and us so easily so I wanted to make you realise how special and important I am to you. I didn't want you to give up on us." 

Caressing her back, Guang sighed. He felt like an idiot. Why did he not decide to talk to Ashton first? Why did he act impulsively? He cursed himself for making her cry and hurting her feelings. 

"I am sorry, I acted like a jerk. I know I shouldn't have said all that. I let you down Qiang."