
The banquet hall was bustling with people, all the famous business faces and the Li corporation employees were enjoying the lovely atmosphere and the refreshments that were being served.

Such banquets were treated like a golden opportunity by different budding and established businessmen and women to build new connections and pave their way to the different kinds of business fields.

Walking around holding a wine glass, Singtan and Ming were greeting the guests along with Mike, Anna, Yixi and Yutang when Ben and Sam arrived.

"What took you both so long?" Rose snapped at her son's.

"We were stuck in traffic mom." Sam explained before nudging Ben with his elbow.

Completely ignoring his constant nudging, Ben kept looking around in a hope to see that one person that his eyes were craving for.

"Today is such a big day for your brother and sister but look at you both. You both are the eldest and yet you took your own sweet time to arrive."