
Urecon Corporation

Linyang was explaining the last phase of the entire project to her employees when Andrew barged in. 

"Why aren't you receiving my call?" 

Ignoring him, she kept talking to her employees which made him even angry. "You—"

Cutting him off, she snapped, "Can't you see I am in the middle of explaining something? Don't you have eyes? If you want to talk, go and sit in that corner until I am done."

The guards following Andrew gulped in nervousness and anxiously waited for their boss to lash out at the woman who dared to snap at him but surprisingly, Andrew quietly made his way towards the nearby chair and grumpily sat down.

Glancing at him for a couple of seconds, Linyang sighed and resumed the explanation. 

"Alright, it's just a couple of days' work and we will be done with the entire project. Great job everyone, you all can expect a bonus this month."