100 pounds

"Really? I don't look fat right?" Qiang asked.

Huiling raised her brows and asked, "Are you crazy? When on earth were you ever fat or even chubby?"

"I know but still, I need to be careful of everything okay? What if Guang starts—" stopping midway, Qiang awkwardly cleared her throat. "I mean what if Guang and others start making fun of me?" 

"You know my brother would never do that and even if he dares to, you can always complain to dad you know and he will take care of him." 

Just then Becca entered the room with a huge grin on her face. Lying down in the bed, she took a deep breath and started blushing.

Elsa, Qiang and Huiling gave each other a look before starting their enquiry.

"Bec, what happened? Are you okay?" Khuli asked.

"Uh-huh, I never felt so good before."

"Your face looks very red, are you having a fever?" Elsa asked before touching Becca's forehead.

Qiang chuckled and said, "Maybe she has Yinhai fever."