The secret guy Ashton

"Stop right there," Huang shouted.

Stopping midway, Ashton gulped in nervousness and turned towards them. 

When Huiling tightened her grip around his arm, Huang gestured her not to worry.

"I swear I did not see anything brother Huang, it's very dark here," Ashton lied. He had obviously seen the two of them shamelessly kissing each other in an open place where anyone could see them.

"Listen to me Ash you—"

Cutting him off, Huiling whispered, "Be polite Huang." They had to convince Ashton to keep whatever he saw to himself so being rude to be him wouldn't help.

He sighed and nodded his head. Turning towards Ash, he continued, "Ash whatever you saw, you can't tell anyone about it okay?" 

Looking at them, Ashton asked, "You both are together for real or just hooking up for no good reason?"