Faster than light

"Wouldn't that make me sound a bit desperate? And what if he doesn't like me like I do? I don't want someone to turn me down after I shamelessly blurt out my feelings." Linyang explained.

Shrugging her shoulders, Yumi answered, "Worth a shot." 

"I agree with Yumi, you won't know unless you don't give it a shot." 

Thinking for quite some time, Linyang got up and grabbed her coat. "Alright, I am off to blurt my heart out or may he give him some kind of a hint."

"You go girl," Mian chuckled.

 Linyang smiled and rushed out of the room, she wanted to see Andrew and tell him how she feels about him. She had never been in a very serious relationship because she had never felt like she feels for Andrew with anybody else. He was very special to her and his presence made her feel very loved.

After she left, Mian asked Yumi, "I heard that aunt Yurin came looking for you today." 

"Wow news travels faster than light in this house," Yumi chuckled.