Understanding and mature

Grabbing her hand, Huiling panicked, "I-I wanted to tell you before but—"

Cutting her off, Qiang said, "You don't have to say anything Huiling, I understand that things like this can be very sensitive and it's nice to keep them private at times." 

"What? You aren't mad?" Huiling frowned.

Vigorously shaking her head, she answered, "No, why would I be mad at you? I mean, I understand the reason behind keeping your relationship with brother Huang away from everyone. Everything thinks that brother Huang treats you like his own sister so the whole you both being in a relationship will just blow up everything and you'll have a hard time explaining everyone the truth." 


Placing her hand on her shoulder, Qiang added, "And we are best friends right? If I won't understand the reason behind your actions then who will?"