Open mind

Adriana's and Nathan's new place

After arrival at the new apartment where they would be staying until Adriana's delivery and until the baby is healthy enough to travel. 

Looking at his wife who had been extremely quiet since they had the intense conversation in that hospital a couple of hours ago, Nathan was about to say something when she interrupted him.

"I'll take a nap for a few hours, don't disturb me until then." Without waiting for his reply, she made her way towards the closest room she could find.

"That is not our bedroom honey, it's the other one," he informed before pointing towards the master bedroom.

Without even looking in that direction, she kept walking towards the other bedroom. "You can rest there if you want to."

Pinching the bridge of his nose, he sighed. He knew that she would not talk to him properly until he told her everything. Thinking for quite some time, he followed her to the other room.
