Twin telepathy

"Yes, so let's go down and eat something, I am very hungry and I also cannot wait to introduce you to my family, especially Yumi and Mian. You are going to love everyone and they are going to love you too." Quickly getting up, Linyang added, "I also need to help Yumi and Mian with the preparations, I have all my bridesmaid duties to fulfill and—" 

Grabbing her hand, he pulled her into his embrace and sighed, "Let's stay like this for a while, feels so good." 

Happily complying to his request, she snuggled closer and smiled, "I really missed you alot." 

Kissing the top of her head, he answered, "I missed you too, I thought that I would never get a chance to hold you this way and that broke my heart." 

"We fucked up really bad but I guess it's okay, we have already learnt our lesson so we will hopefully not repeat it in the future." 

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Andrew asked, "You don't want to know what had exactly happened?"