Gavin's end

Ashton and Elsa's place. 

Helplessly shaking his head, Ashton sighed, "Fine, if that is what you want to do. But I still think you should stay at home and rest for another six months." 

"I think I have rested enough honey, I just want to do something and make use of my degree." Fixing his tie, she added, "Yushen was telling me that they are hiring, he asked me to send my resume." 

Wrapping his arms around her waist, he sighed, "Alright, if that's what you want but you are not allowed to over work or skip your meals. I'll assign a chauffeur for you who will pick you up after work and I'll drop you there in the morning and—" 

Cutting him off, she chuckled, "Geez wait, let me get the job first." 

"Do you even have to worry about that? I'll talk to—" 

"No you won't," she retorted. 


Hooking her arms around his, she dragged him towards the door. "Just go to work and don't think about it."