
"If I would have been in his place, this man would have been dead for quite some time now," Henry added. 

"What makes you think that everyone is like you? Ashton is a sensible man, he would never resort to things like this and—" Elsa stopped midway when a mocking laughter interrupted her. 

"Sensible man? Not like me." Shrugging his shoulders, he added, "Well, I will give that to you. I can never be Ashton Wu or like his partner Xie Yinhai. I mean, how can you even compare me with them? They are legends and I am just weakling in front of them." 

When she frowned at him, he slapped his own forehead. "Ahhh Stupid Henry, of course he never told you what he actually does and you know what sweetheart? He will never tell you the real truth because it is so dark, it will scare you." 

"You are lying, Ashton will never do something that is wrong and don't even try to compare yourself with him. He is one hundred times better than you," Elsa stated.