I don't know

After getting the note from Linyang's car which had the words 'Meet me at the abandoned building at full moon. Where the sun shines the brightest' written on it, Andrew knew Pulos had left the note for him. He also had a feeling that Pulos wanted to see him but he had no idea why. 

Andrew wanted to meet him but Michael was against the idea as he was worried about the safety. 

"How can you trust him?" Michael frowned. 

"We can't but we have no other choice." Andrew very well knew Pulos was not someone they should trust completely but they also did not have any other choice. Pulos could be their only chance to get some hints about what Lawrence was up to. 

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Michael stated, "Okay, let's do this but you won't be the one going there. I will go and talk to him." 


Cutting him off, Michael snapped, "Don't argue with me over this. I am not taking any risk with your life."