Down Time


I speed walked over to Meghan. Where I could see the smile ghosting on her lips,

as I walked past her. I thought, "Oh man, I don't want to talk about it. Please don't ask" as I continued walking to shortening the gap between me, Shaneon and Jordyn.

I could tell Meghan was struggling behind me to keep up with my fast past. But I was so embarrassed by my enthrallement with that stranger. I couldn't bare have her, catch up to me and question me right now. "I don't even know what to say". I thought.


Seeing the Baggage claim sign ahead. I turned my head to look over my shoulder. I could see Mindi, and Meghan trailing behind her.

Turning my head back, I reached out my arm touching Jordyn on the shoulder with my hand. Indicating that we should slow down our pace so they could walk with us, the rest of the way.

Jordyn understanding my meaning, slowed up letting the other two join back up with us.***

With in range of the baggage claim. I glanced over at Mindi who was avoiding all eye contact. I thought, "She's embarrassed but I really do want to know what happened".


Just feeling the piercing stares upon me. I looked over to my right seeing Shaneon given me an intense stare. As well as two other sets of eyes from my left.

Looking back forward and sighing. I said, "Okay. Lay them on me".

"So what happened?" asked Meghan who casually brushed my shoulder with her hand as a form of encouragement. "He was so tall. What did he look like?" asked Shaneon. "Yeah? chimed Jordyn "what did he say"?

"Well not much. I mean, I apologized to him. Which he was really cool about the whole thing with me bumping into him. And would you know it, he actually made kept me from falling". I looked towards them in turns with this news and could see their eyes expanding with this knowledge.

"Oh and he was majorly good looking, too". I said turning my head back towards the direction we were heading. "His smile was, something else". I said a little quieter.

Meghan nodded satisfied by my responses. Jordyn sighed, "Oh I was expecting. Well something more as you were stuck on him". I scoffed "was not!". Meghan laughed, "if only I had a crowbar at that moment". "oh hush, you" I said bumping my shoulder into hers. "Oh well" said Shaneon, "We still have loads of time left for some spicy, romantic rendezvous on this trip". Catching her eye I could see them dancing with excitement.

"ha" I thought to myself, thinking back to the man I had just encountered. "I just wished I had gotten a full view of his face. Curse those makers of huge sunglasses".***


*Beep_Beep_Beep_ FLASHING red light*

Bouncing on the balls of my feet and glancing around I still couldn't see the others. The announcment that the baggage was coming had just gone off a few minutes ago. And people were starting to collect their baggage. Val and Adreanna had both stepped up to the conveyor belt with their phones out examining the luggages. I myself had glanced down at the message that I had recieved earlier from Shaneon with the descriptions of their baggages but seriously. "Just what is taking them so long"..."Oh there they are".

Waving my hand so they could find us easier I saw clarity in Meghan's eyes as she indicated my postion to the others and began heading my way.***


11:40 PM

Glad to have our luggage in tow and almost to the transport station.

I recollected the event that had just occurred just a little while ago.***

"Ah tits" said Adreanna as she stood up from where she was sitting on the non-mobile side of the conveyor belt. "I'll find someone to ask about the progress with finding Vallies luggage" said Meghan.

I glanced at my phone's time. It was now 30 minutes past when we were informed that Vallies (aka Val or Valandrei) luggage had been lost. I just sighed, glancing down to place my phone on my thigh.

*SLAP! Startled, I looked to my left seeing Vallie had smacked her thighs and was in the process of standing up.

Shaneon and Jordyn were proceeding to stand up as well. I turned my full attention back to the entranceway to see an airport baggage handler rushing towards us with Vallies luggage in tow.***


Enjoying the warm night, I rocked back on my heels glancing towards Jocie as she was returning from the smoking station. I sighed, I hated her smoking but I knew the reason why she had picked the habit back up.

Handing back her purse. She thanked me and began seeking out her odor eliminator spray. She had rescued it from her luggage not long after snatching it off the conveyor belt.

Turning back towards the shuttle. I made my way to the empty seat, behind Vallie and Adreanna. I overheared Vallie explaining that we were 11 minutes from our hotel and the club was around 30 mintues from our hotel.

I checked the time on my phone. "So will be at our hotel a little after midnight then". I just looked up when Jocie sat down beside me. I glanced around at the others while directing my question to Jocie. "You going to the club"?

I looked towards Meghan whom appeared to be dozing off against the glass. She was seated across from Vallie and Adreanna. Behind her was Jordyn, she was looking at her phone. Probably studying up on common phrases in Korean.

I smirked when I saw her face twitch in surprise, as Shaneon's head had plooped on her left shoulder. I laughed shaking my head. "What" said Jocie. "Shaneon" I indicated with my head.

Jocie scoffed, "That's no suprise. She didn't sleep on the flight. Guess that leaves". She tapped Val on the shoulder as she spoke, leaning forward to address the two in front of us.

They turned towards us both smiling as to confirm that they were on board with clubbing.

I assessed the remaining 3 members. "Well, Meghan and Shaneon are out" I said. Jocie casually leaned back and to her right to address Jordyn. "Well Jordyn you on board with clubbing" she asked in a low voice. Jordyn tilted her head slightly as to not disturb Shaneon and gave a slight nod. Then turned back to her phone.

"So day 1 of activities to commence shortly after midnight then"***